Text Hearts

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15 Days of One-Shots (10/15) 

Having a long distance boyfriend isn’t ideal, especially when that boy happens to be 1/5 of One Direction. Krista and Niall’s relationship consists of texts, sent back and forth as they attempt to fill in the gap caused by their distance.

[Niall <3: 1/30/12  8:01 AM] Hey love, just landed safely. Hope you have a good day at school.

[Krista: 1/30/12 8:13 AM] Is it warm there?

[Niall <3: 1/30/12 8:28 AM] Warmer than home.

[Krista: 1/30/12 9:00 AM] Lucky.

[Niall <3: 1/30/12 9:08 AM] Stop texting me and pay attention. I’ll call you after class.

[Krista: 1/30/12 9:09 AM] Alright. Don’t become to friendly with any of those California sluts.

[Niall <3: 1/30/12 9:19 AM] Too late ;P.

[Krista: 1/30/ 12 9:19 AM] Fuck you Horan!

[Niall <3 1/30/12 9:21 AM] Babe, I’m just kidding!

[Niall <3 1/30/12 10:00 AM] Love? I’m sorry, it was joke.

[Niall <3 1/30/12 10:06 AM] Krista?

[Harry 1/30/12 11:00 AM] Will you please text your boy toy. He’s moping.

[Harry 1/30/12 11:01 AM] Oh. And also, expect a package from Lou and I soon. It’s a special gift we found from Victoria Secret.

[Louis 1/30/12 11:10 AM] It’s Irish lingerie. You and Niall are welcome.

[Louis 1/30/12 11:11 AM] Also, better text Niall. Please. Whatever blondie said wrong, he didn’t mean.

[Niall <3 1/30/12 11:40 AM] Love?

[Liam 1/30/12 2:00 PM] Hey Krista!! Sumthin wrong wit u and Ni?

[Zayn 1/30/12 2:05 PM] Krista don’t let one mistake bog down your relationship. The fog shall clear soon.

[Niall <3 1/30/12 3:04 PM] Baby???

[Krista 1/30/12 4:00 PM] Jesus Christ Niall. Sorry. My phone got taken up. Call of the hounds.

[Niall <3 1/30/12 4:45 PM] They did it on their own accord, they care about us! Well, they just like you cuz you bake cookies.

[Niall <3 1/30/12 4:46 PM] And I TOLD you not to text in class!! :P


[Niall <3 4/28/12 11:08 AM] Just landed.

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