Larry Stylinson Analysis

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15 Days of One-Shots (5/15) 

Harry Styles, ditched by his flatmate, finds himself searching through the depths of the internet and stumbled upon this. A Larry Stylinson Analysis, that might just change, all that he knows to be true.

It was an unspoken tradition, but every Wednesday night, when the boys weren’t working, Harry and Louis had a movie night.

It’d started in the X-Factor house, and had continued on, whenever they had a Wednesday that wasn’t filled with interview or concerts.

On one or these Wednesdays, Harry was digging through their cabinet of DVDs, trying to pull out he knew Louis would like, even if maybe he didn’t. He liked Louis’ eyes, when they watched something Louis liked. They we always bright, excited almost.

They were even more beautiful than the normally wore.

Which was not how a heterosexual friend should thin, but, well. Shit.

“Mate, I’m going out,” Louis suddenly called, and Harry turned around to see Louis, buttoning up a dress shirt and slipping on a pair of shoes. Too dressed up for a movie night that was usually spent in sweatpants and, an optional, shirt.

“But, movie-“

“Shit,” Louis groaned, running a hand over his face, “Movie night. I totally forgot. Listen, I’ll make it up to you, promise. I just really have to go do this thing with Eleanor.”

Harry nodded wordlessly, watching Louis grab his keys and wave as he hurried out of the flat for his fucking girlfriend.

He knew it wasn’t normal for a heterosexual mate to hate a girlfriend as much as he did. But, well, shit.

Harry tossed the DVD aside, and sulked over to the couch where he grabbed his computer and rolled onto his back, settling the laptop on his chest. Without any plans, all having been canceled for this fucking movie night, that Louis had tossed aside like shit, he puttered on the Internet.

He surfed through twitter, clicking aimlessly on the links tweeted to him, most sending him to various Facebook profiles and blogs.

After a half an hour of complete boredom, Harry made to shut off his computer and roll of the couch, to sleep or get drunk, something more productive. However, he clicked on one last link, his eyes skimming the tile of some new blog post.

Larry Stylinson Analysis


“What, the fuck,” Harry muttered, squinting at the screen in front of him, where dozens of pictures of he and Louis together had been posted. He scrolled through the pictures and video clips, eyebrows drawn in in confusion.

Of course he knew of Larry Stylinson, he didn’t life under a rock or pretend not to acknowledge that fans had fabricated this (b)romance between he and Louis. He hadn’t paid it much thought, other than following Management’s advice to not sit so close to each other, and to stop the playful tweets tossed between the two.

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