Too Close for Comfort

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15 Days of One-Shots (9/15) 

Harry had distinct lines drawn in his head, and sometimes, like it or not Louis would cross that line. Louis would scoot too close to him in the public eye, and then everything would go to hell.

“You all seem really close,” the interview, from BBC, noted and the boys nodded in agreement, all smiling brightly at the camera.

“Yeah, we’re all-” Harry caught off midsentence, as a familiar hand cupped his inner thigh, squeezing gently. Harry glanced at Louis out of the corner of his eye, who stared at the camera obliviously. Harry’s face reddened and he fumbled for the words, “Uh, we’re all, uh, close and uh, yeah.”

Louis grip let go of his tight and Harry sunk back against the couch, fuming for the rest of the interview.

After the interview concluded, Harry stormed off, away from the group, to the dressing room they were occupying for the evening, leading up to their performance that evening. He slammed the shut to the bathroom and locked it behind him, sinking down onto the tiled floor.

He tensed as heard the boys’ voices enter the room, listening to their quiet argument.

“Harry!” Louis yelled, and Harry tensed from behind the door, as Louis jiggled the bathroom door know, “Aw, Hazza-”

“Fuck off!” Harry screamed back and he heard Niall gasp.


“I said go away!”

Louis sighed, and the jiggling on the doorknob stopped. Harry heard Louis sit down on the opposite side of the door, and bit his lip as Louis sighed again.

“Harry, love, I’m sorry,” Louis muttered through the door, and Harry pulled his knees to his chest, resting his chin on them as he waited for Louis to continue, “I shouldn’t have done that.

“You shouldn’t have,” Harry agreed.

“I know you don’t like it-”

“It’s not that,” Harry argued, and he heard the door of the dressing room shut, as Liam, Zayn and Niall excused themselves, to leave the two in private. “It’s just, I’m not there yet. You know?”

There was a pause.


“Like,” Harry licked his lips nervously. He didn’t want to hurt Louis. He didn’t. But he didn’t want to hurt himself. “I don’t think I’m ready to be…. you know-”


“Out,” Harry corrected, his voice holding conviction. “I know you say everyone will be okay with it-”

“They will-”

“They might.”

There was another pause.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you Harry,” Louis whispered, barely audible through the door, “No matter what. No way. No how.”

“I know.”

“I really am sorry.”

“I know.”

“Can I come in?” Louis asked, and Harry nodded, pushing himself up to his feet and unlocking the door, pulling it open. Louis immediately wrapped his arms around him, pulling Harry close against his chest.

“I won’t do it again, ever, promise.”

“Well,” Harry said slowly, “You can…you know, not on public TV.”

“You sure?” Louis asked, leaning back slightly and Harry nodded, leaning down and pulling Louis into a long kiss.


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