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15 Days of One-Shots (14/15) 

Maybe Louis was being unreasonable and possessive, but Harry was his, and everyone better know it.

It’s not the Louis meant it, he didn’t like feeling the way he did.

But whenever Liam tugged Harry into a side hug, or Zayn pulled Harry off to have a conversation, or Niall asked Harry to dinner, his stomach clenched, and his mood dropped until he was seething.

Because Harry was fucking his, and really, the others should just back off.

Although, logically, none of that made any sense. Because Harry wasn’t his, Eleanor was his. And if anyone should be fucking off, it should be him, because as of late he’d been an absolute and complete dick towards Harry, because of this funk he was in.

And the constant hugs from the other members, flaunting their relationship with Harry right in front of his very eyes was not helping in the least.

The final straw came suddenly and abruptly, in June of 2012, when the boys were all crowded in the back of their tour bus.

Niall was strumming on his guitar and Louis was already on edge, because really, he had to sing those songs every single night, he didn’t want to hear them in his time off.

Zayn was flipping through a book his Mum had recommended and Liam was running his hand through Harry’s hair, as he stared at the TV.

Louis fixated on Liam, petting, his Harry’s hair and the familiar stomach clench came, followed by the seething, except this time, he didn’t do near as good of job hiding it or keeping it under control.

Instead he stood up abruptly, and the eyes of all the boys, including Harry’s round innocent ones fell on him.

“I need to talk to Harry,” He snapped, “So back off.”

Liam’s hand immediately flew from Harry’s hand, and Harry raised a brow at Louis, leaning slightly closer to Liam, which didn’t help the jealousy that was churning in Louis’ stomach.

“What’s your problem?” Harry asked, and Louis’ hands clenched by his side. He took a deep, steadying breath, breathing out through his nose as he tried to clear the unneeded rage from his mind.

He was being ridiculous, every logical part of his brain pointed that out, but still, this was Harry. HisHarry, and other people were taking him away.

“Harry,” Louis muttered through clenched teeth, trying to keep his voice steady, as the other band members eyes him warily, “Please. In private.”

With a heavy sigh, and glare towards Liam, who just sat there silently as Harry pushed himself off the couch, Harry followed Louis out of the back of the bus, and towards the front, that was empty save for the oblivious driver who was lost in his own thoughts as he drove down the endless maze of American highways.

Harry crossed his arms and glared at Louis, “What?”

“You’re mine,” Louis shot back, the words slipping out of his mouth quickly, and Harry’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“I’m what-“

“You’re mine,” Louis insisted, running a hand through his hair, “You’ve always been, and you know it. Mine. And now Liam thinks he can run his hand through your hair-“

“It’s my hair,” Harry snapped, “I get to decide-“

“No you don’t!” Louis insisted, cracking his knuckles in frustration as he stared up at Louis, “You don’t get a say because you’re mind. So stop forgetting it!”

Harry sighed, “Lou-“

Before he could finish Louis launched himself at Harry, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss, their teeth clacking together in their eagerness, out of rhythm, but still one again.

Louis took his tip, biting at the earlobes that belonged to him, and biting love bites on the neck that was his, and whispering ‘mine’ over and over again into the ears that belonged to him, as his hands ran up and down what was his.

Because Harry was his.

He was hiss through the start of it all, after they’d been thrown together as a band, and he was his now, as they laid on top of each other, shirtless and sweaty, still out of rhythm but in the same tune, as Louis reminded Harry that he was his.

“You know,” Harry whispered, voice husky as he stared up at Louis, who’s sweaty hair was sticking near his eyes, “You’re supposed to share your toys with your friends-“

“I never learned how to share,” Louis replied, grinning and leaning in again, pecking Harry’s sweet lips, “And never wanted to. What’s mine is mine. You are mine-“

“I know, but sometimes-“

“No. You are mine.”

Harry sighed and Louis grinned in satisfaction, bending back down and resting his lips on Harry’s neck, biting and sucking his signature there, so the world would know, that even if it wasn’t alwaysclear as day, Harry was his.

And that was just the way it was going to be.

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