Chapter Twenty Nine- Welcome Home

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"You're give'n that horse to me?" Jimmy stared up at me for a long minute. Then looked back at Charlie. "To keep?"

I stood at the back of my trailer, holding Charlie's reigns out for Jimmy to take.

The sun was now setting in the sky, showing us an array of colours before night would take over. We had all finally gotten a good amount of sleep and three days later Aries, Violet, Evander, Rhys, Layton, Anna, Jimmy and I had taken the long trek back to the ship, and back to my small trailer. Aries and Violet had also agreed that Layton, Evander and Rhys would be able to heal faster back at the ship with the medicine it held on board.

I swallowed the small lump in my throat before giving him a firm nod, "Yep, I need someone I can trust to look after him. I've seen him around you and he trusts you too. He's all yours."

"Are you sure you can't take him with you when you go, Miss?"

I laughed too hard when he asked me that and tried to cover it up with a cough, "Unfortunately, he'll make travelling more difficult than easy. Jimmy, I also want to give you my trailer."

At this comment his eyes grew wide and grateful, "Your home too, Miss?" He yelled excitedly. "A-are you sure?"

"Yes, you and Anna will take good care of it. Sell it if you need. Use it however you want, just let me clean out some of my things from it first, okay?" I laughed.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Jimmy gave me a solute, then slowly took Charlie's reigns from my hand.

Violet walked up to me as Jimmy continued to stroke Charlie on his other side, telling him all the ways he was such a good horse.

"Ivy," Violet smiled at me holding her hand out for me to take. I knew what she was about to do before she did it, but I still marvelled at it every time. Taking my hand, she placed it once again onto Charlie's shoulder. She held her hand on top of mine and I watched as the patterns on her hand began to glow. Within moments I could feel Charlie's warmth spread up my arm. He was so peaceful and relaxed, and somehow, I could tell he was enjoying the complements Jimmy was giving him. I was glad to be leaving him in Jimmy's care. A tear fell down my face at the thought of me leaving him, and Charlie snorted, then turned his head towards me so I could pat his nose. He knew. Animals always did. But he didn't seem sad. If anything, he felt fulfilled. As if ready to help lead the next person to come into his life.

"Thank you, Violet." I whispered. The tears were coming a little too fast for my liking, so I quickly pulled my hand away. "I better go pack some things," I said quickly before kissing Charlie's nose and rushing off into my trailer.

A few minutes later Evander hobbled in, "Wow, this is where you were held up? Not bad... not much space to host company though, if you know what I mean-Ouch!" he yelled, after I hit his arm with one of my books.

"That's not its intended purpose," I stated.

"I can see why," he grinned.

I gave him a glare and changed the topic, "So Anna is all set to take the horses back with Jimmy?"

Evander nodded, "All set. Just waiting on you. Do you need help to take anything into the ship?"

"You should be the last person asking that."

"At this point I owe you my life, I can be asking all the questions that I want." He paused and then continued, "Ivy-"

"Evander, you don't have to keep thanking me. I told you that yesterday."

"Yes, you did."

"And what did I say if you kept thanking me?"

"That if I didn't, you'd start eating all my share of our chocolate."

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