Chapter Sixteen- Selfish Truths

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Aries had finally fallen asleep.

I knew Sentaurius people had healthier systems and a stronger resilience to injuries, though I had expected Aries to have fallen asleep from exhaustion hours ago.

It was almost dark, but I knew I was more likely to evade capture if I could travel within the shadows. Finding James's letters wouldn't be hard once the full moon came out. And I thanked the skies that the rain had finally stopped.

Most of them might already be ruined...

I glanced down one last time at Aries to check he was asleep before quietly walking towards the front door.

The cupboard was still in the way, so I tried as best I could to move it with my injured arm without waking Aries up.

It was a futile effort.

The leg dragged against the floorboards with a loud screech as I tried to pull it away from the door, and I quickly ceased trying to move it.

"... Ivy...? What are you doing?"

In an instant Aries was on his feet, turned around, and staring at me with a raised eyebrow from behind the couch.

"I— I need to go back..." I looked right at him hoping he would understand.

"Go back?" He took a few limped steps towards me, "Is this about your letters? Ivy, you can't..."

"It's alright. I'll be back in a couple hours."

This is the only thing I can do right now, just let me do it.

"I know how important they are to you, but you can't risk getting caught right now. If they catch you—"

"They won't. It's dark enough. I'll get in, grab my letters and get out. No one will see me."

"They might have more people searching the area... I can't help you like this..." He gestured to his leg, but I shook my head.

"I don't need your help for this..."

He doesn't understand. I need those letters. I need James.

"What about Rhys and Violet?"

I frowned, "We'll think of something when I get back, but right now we can't do much..."

"We need to work out a plan, Ivy. We need to work out how to save them with my leg like this. We need to find out where they are and how to get to them, and then stop all this!"

"I'm coming back, Aries. I won't get caught... It's okay—"

"You don't know that!" He suddenly raised voice, and I could see the regret in his eyes. But I could also see the fear and anger. His voice had turned cold again like the night with the thieves. "You don't know what these people are like..."

I don't know what they're like?!

"...We were training to take them down and we couldn't even do it. We need to do this together..."

"You don't understand, Aries..." I could feel the anger rising in me. He couldn't tell me what to do. "I know what I'm doing..."

"Do you?" He questioned harshly, "Do you really think this is what you need to worry about right now?"

"Yes! And you don't, so just let me worry about it! It's not your problem!"

Why couldn't he just let me worry about it?

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