Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten (Adam)

"Maybe he's just confused." Seth offered, sitting on the bean bag chair in the corner of my room. Kipp sat on the floor beside it, using his skateboard as a table as he munched on the five dollar pizza we had spent the last of our money on.

I sat backwards on the chair at my old school desk in my cramped room, staring at my ugly mangled mauve carpet, trying to sort everything out. But it didn't matter how long I sat there and contemplated, nothing was fitting together. It wasn't that I didn't understand it, no. I understood full well what was happening.

I just didn't like it.

Not one bit.

I had been watching Julian for years. I wasn't afraid to admit that. It wasn't stalking, because I never followed him home or anything, but I just watched him from afar whenever he was around. I knew he was a weird kid the moment he was introduced to our fourth grade class. I had heard he was rich from my parents and that they had the biggest house in Silver Stone and so on and so forth, so I expected some sweater vest nerd from New York or something.

I didn't expect to see a scrawny blonde kid with eyes so blue that they made sapphires weep. And he definitely didn't wear sweater vests. No, this kid was wearing an oversized black Disturbed sweater with little black jeans and black converse.

At the time, I couldn't describe what it was that I felt about Julian. He was quiet the first day of class and sat in his seat in the back of the class awkwardly with his head held down. He looked like he wanted to destroy the world. But the second day, he was proving to be one little brat.

He picked a fight with a kid from another class, a fifth grader who had tripped him in the hallway. A five foot five fifth grader versus this little barely four foot fourth grader with pretty blonde hair and bright baby blue eyes. Julian hadn't backed own and went at the kid with everything he had, earning himself his first detention.

It happened more frequently. Julian was proving me a wild cat. He was honest and he liked moving. He was constantly moving, even if he was sitting in his chair and swinging his legs back and forth so his sneakers scraped the floor obnoxiously.

He got worse in middle school. He was still pretty short in middle school, but that didn't stop him from jumping the guys who made fun of him or stole his stuff. It was in seventh grade when I realized what it was I had been feeling all that time.

I liked this kid.

It wasn't the kind of like that one friend felt for another. I liked him in a way that made me want to touch his hair when he fell asleep during class. The kind of like that made me want to hold his hand and feel how soft it was, how small his hand was in mine. The kind of like that made me wonder what his lips would feel like on mine.

I didn't tell anyone. I didn't tell my parents or Seth or Kipp, and especially not Julian. He seemed like the type who might not appreciate being confessed to by a guy.

Until we started hanging out and I noticed the way he stared at me.

I hadn't noticed it at first. I was too busy trying to control his temper or protect him when he got into fights. While he didn't need my help all the time, he couldn't take on four guys at a time and would need someone to watch his back.

Then slowly, over time, I would turn my head to feel someone's eyes on me. I was used to girls doing it, but I never cared for them or paid any attention. But the feeling was so intense that it drew me and I would always end up catching Julian's eyes. At first, he would keep staring even after we met eyes, but he eventually started to look away really fast, like he was embarrassed about being caught.

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