Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen (Julian)

We sat around the table, having piled out of Adam's room because he had mumbled under his breath for us to shut up. I don't think he even realized it was us he was talking to and while my mother looked murderous, she understood and we all left to sit in the dining room around the table, everyone holding a mug of warm blood, except Xed, who stood patiently behind Newell like the bodyguard he was.

I kept a close eye on him. Whatever he was, he wasn't a vampire and he definitely wasn't friendly with most vampires. In fact, judging from my vision, Newell was the only one he could tolerate.

"So, and I don't care if I offend anyone when I say this," Newell drawled, making everyone glare at him, "But this just got a hundred times more complicated. Not because Julian's having visions instead of moving objects, but because nobody wants to go with the trigger method. We want to do the walk-through-a-field-of-flowers-holding-hands method. Which could take even longer."

"I never said we had to do that," Alexander protested in irritation, clenching his fists on the table, "I just said I don't want you threatening his life."

"And I don't want you threatening Adam's life." I chirped.

"And I don't want to shop for clothes," Newell sneered, "But you don't see me complaining about it all the time. You want to take the easy way out when there really is no easy way out. Just like there's no easy way of saying that your son is now possessed by a demonic parasite. Think of it as having a new dog in your house. The dog is trying to get used to things and is making mistakes. The thing inside Julian hasn't adjusted and is throwing temper tantrums, which explains the random blasts of visions."

"Yeah, well, last I checked, there's no Demon Whisperer out there that can make tss noises to calm it down." I retorted. Newell gave me a dirty look, then dropped his head into his hands for a while before covering his ears. He looked like he was trying not to kill anyone, but at the same time, seemed to concentrate on what was happening around us.

I glanced at Xed again, who made no comment. In fact, he hadn't spoken the entire time he was here. Even in my vision, he never once said a word. Something in me was afraid of him, though, and I wondered just what exactly that part of me was. Was it the creepy demon thing in me?

"Okay," Newell said after a while, cupping his hands over his nose before sliding his hands down to the table, taking a deep breath, "Okay. So, let me get this straight. We can't touch Adam, we can't touch Julian. Julian's having strange visions that could or could not predict the future or past. Zephyra could discover at any moment because of how nosy they are. And with all of this in the way, we have to find out if Julian even really has these abilities. Did I miss anything?"

"No, that about sums it up." Vladimir replied flatly. Newell clapped his hands, then smacked them down on the table.

"Fantastic. That means this mission's going to be even more impossible than I thought. This is going to be about as fun as the time we went to Pompeii." He announced. Xed's nose twitched as if he were about to scowl, but he controlled himself quickly. Vladimir gave Newell a weird look, but Newell ignored it.

"Well," Alexander started slowly, "What other ways could trigger his abilities? Or let us know if he has them or not?"

"I would ask if he was violent, but that would be useless." Newell answered. I scowled.

"I'm not violent if someone doesn't start it first." I returned defensively, to which Newell scoffed before cocking his head, resting it against his knuckles. Meanwhile, my mother was drumming her fingernails on her mug, her lips puckered in distaste.

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