Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen (Adam)

I wasn't going to say it out loud.

But I was getting extremely impatient. How long was it going to take? Who knows what they had done to Julian by now? I didn't even want to think about it, nor ask Vladimir or Alexander in case they actually knew what these people were capable of.

I just sat as still as possible, staring at the laptop screen in Alexander's lap as we drove along at a speed that should've gotten us a ticket by now, but somehow, we were bypassing all state laws and probably gravity laws too. I said nothing, though. I didn't care.

I wanted to get to Julian as soon as possible.

Just knowing that someone else touched him was enough to make my blood boil.

I didn't care if people disliked me for being possessive. I liked it, and Julian obviously liked it too, so who was it hindering? Julian was mine. He belonged to me. He was my property. Part of me was tempted to mark him as soon as we got him back. Not a tattoo or anything dangerous, but enough hickeys to last him a good few months before I added some more.

My chest felt tight and achy as I thought about the last time I had held him; the night before when I had crept into his room. The first time I did it, Julian seemed hesitant about everything and, yes, he had good reason. The second time I snuck into his house, he gladly sat in my lap and relinquished some of that power to me.

He was giving himself to me and I was accepting him gladly. All the more to call Julian mine and mine alone.

I could still feel him in my arms and how perfectly he fit with me. The way his lean, smooth body pressed up against mine and his legs closed over mine, his hot breath on my neck and his soft blonde hair against my cheek. It made me ache to have him back in my arms again. That's where he belonged.

Christ, how much longer was this going to take? I felt like we were driving to the UP or something.

"Calm down," Vladimir said suddenly, making me glance up to see him looking at me through the rearview before looking back at the road, "Getting yourself worked up won't help. In fact, it'll make things worse. I'm not sure how much Julian has told you, but we're very good at hearing heartbeats and if they hear yours bouncing off the walls like it is now, they'll kill you." I frowned, reaching up to touch my chest over my heart. I could feel it throbbing and sighed, dropping my hand to my lap before glancing at Alexander, who didn't bother to hide his fidgeting.

"You too," Vladimir scolded lightly, making Alexander look up, "Julian's going to be all right. I won't let anything happen to him." Alexander averted his eyes, then nibbled his lip before looking back.

"What you said before... About Julian being different. Zephyra wanting him for something. I thought they were just using him to bait us." He said.

"Yeah," I agreed, "You said Zephyra would torture him over it. It might be nice to know what that is."

Vladimir was silent for a moment before he frowned, tightening his grip on the wheel.

"At first, I passed it off as Julian showing psychic tendencies. And I may be wrong, but... Something in me is telling me that I'm right and I hate it when I'm right about these kinds of things, but I think Julian is something more. I think the visions and dreams are just a part of it." He explained firmly, turning off the high way as Alexander directed him.

"Did he say there was anything else?" Alexander asked. I frowned.

"Julian's only had dreams as far as I know. He woke up last night freaking out and panicking. He kept grabbing onto me like he wanted to make sure I was actually there." I explained. Alexander glanced back at me uneasily before looking at Vladimir again.

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