Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven (Julian)

The dinner with Wulf was a little awkward after his threat in the car.

Sure, he probably didn't want me to know it was a threat from the way he tried to make it sound so innocent, but I could practically taste the threat in his words and it made me sick. Who the fuck did he think he was threatening Adam?

And he'd be in for a surprise if he ever attacked him.

No way! Are you stupid? I winced at the little voice in my head as I remembered exactly why I was with this guy. I was doing it so I could protect Adam in the first place. Kinda hard now with this guy getting jealous over Adam, which he should be.

"I have an idea," Wulf said suddenly, making me look up with a flat expression as I slurped a noodle into my mouth, "Let's play 20 questions. Seems like a good way to get to know each other. If you'd like, you can go first." I raised an eyebrow at his suggestion, slurping up another noodle with red sauce on it, licking my lips before I nodded slowly.

"Kay," I drawled, then glanced at Wulf as he took another sip of wine, "Why did you choose me? There were other people at the Samhain party looking for a husband." Wulf's eyes glowed for a moment and it was almost eerie. I felt like there was something else going on inside that head of his, but instead, he closed his eyes in a smile before placing his glass on the table.

"Well, quite honestly, I'm a sucker for blondes," He admitted, making me scrunch up my nose in distaste, "But once I learned a bit more about you, I became intrigued. You're an interesting kid and you seem to have a lot going on inside that head of yours. I want to find out what it is."

"Good luck." I deadpanned, making him chuckle in response before I picked up my glass of water, gulping it down as Wulf studied his plate before looking up.

"What size clothes do you wear?" He asked. I blinked, then scowled at him.

"What kind of question is that?"

"Actually, it was my turn to ask a question, but I'll just take that as your next turn and tell you that I'm just curious. Now answer mine." Wulf requested calmly. I stared at him for a moment, then mumbled my response as I took a bite of chicken, watching Wulf nod slowly as he tilted his head.

"My next question is, what's your school schedule? Like, your classes." Wulf added when I gave him a confused look. What kinds of questions were these? He said he wanted to get to know me, but he was just asking me about my life. Part of me regretted choosing this guy, but he was the youngest out of all of them and two of the other guys were obvious perverts. Another part of me wanted to just get up and walk out, but my parents would kick my ass if I was rude to this guy, so I sighed.

"I have History first period, then Algebra Advanced, Chemistry 2B, English AA, after that I have lunch in the cafeteria, then I go to Current Events, and finally Design." I answered, sucking a noodle into my mouth and watching Wulf nod silently. I frowned.

"Where do you live?" I asked. Wulf smiled warmly, but I'd seen enough of this guy not to like him so his smiles weren't working on me anymore.

"New York City. A neat little penthouse that I'm sure you'll enjoy when you move. Do you prefer white or black?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"Black, I guess?"

"I see."

"Do you have any other family?"

"I have a twin brother who lives in Canada. Do you like red or pink?"

"Red. What's your favorite blood type?"

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