Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven (Julian)

I had barely managed to avoid Walter and his freakish friends as well as Seth and Kipp throughout the day. I caught sight of Adam a few times, but he completely ignored me. And though I knew it was for the best, it hurt.

I walked by him twice, but he wasn't paying any attention to me. I even had a class with him and he just sat in the opposite corner instead of right next to me, his legs propped up on his desk and his notebook in hand as he scribbled down what I assumed were song lyrics.

That was another thing that hit me hard.

I wouldn't be part of their band anymore, and I loved music. I loved playing the keyboard for them and listening to the way our instruments flowed together in one stream of beauty. It was amazing, especially the feeling it gave me. The tingling sensation of freedom that gave me goose bumps as my fingers hit the keyboards, my voice carrying into the microphone in front of me. The way everything harmonized and fit together like the pieces of a puzzle.

I wouldn't have that anymore. I'd just have some old person teaching me to play the piano.

And for what?

So I could show off for family members or visit concert halls?

It wasn't the same thrill I got from playing in a band with people I cared about.

Ugh, I was only making it worse, I thought in depression as I rested my head on my desk, my hair splaying out on my empty notebook. I should've been taking notes on the subject matter, but I couldn't bring myself to concentrate or do anything, but think and that only made me feel like shit.

So, again, was as I a masochist?


And only thinking of the word made me shiver as I remembered all the fantasizes I had of Adam digging his nails into my skin, his mouth sucking hard on my throat. It made my blood boil and my groin burn as I thought of the way his teeth would grind together over a nipple, his hands wandering my body.

Oh goddess, not in class.

Don't fantasize in class, you idiot!

I was so relieved when the final bell rang and I shot to my feet, grabbing all my things and stuffing them in my bag. I glanced out the corner of my eye at Adam, who had already disappeared. Knowing him, he had asked for a bathroom pass a few minutes before the bell rang and was already waiting outside for me.

I took deep, even breathes as I approached my locker to drop off some of my things. Something hard slammed into my back, causing me to stumble and almost fall into my locker, making me gasp. I jerked my head around to glare daggers at Jack, Walter, and Ian, who watched me without snickers. In fact, they looked like they were staring down at the ultimate evil bug.

I gritted my teeth behind closed lips to hide my fangs as I turned back to shove my books into my locker. I picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulder, listening to Jack make an "ooph" sound as it struck him in the back. I slammed my locker shut and ducked into the crowd before Jack could whirl to pulverize me.

I ducked and swerved through the crowd as I made my way to the side exit instead of the main entrance. My mom would see me right away, and it was easier to get to the gang's usual spot from the side anyway. I pushed the doors open and stepped outside, greeted with cold autumn air.

Actually, it was starting to feel like a winter breeze the way it stung my cheeks pink, but then again, that could just be the sun that was beating down on me. I ducked into the shade of the pine trees, patting my cheeks as I walked to cool my face down before I came to the clearing.

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