Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen (Adam)

I woke up to my skull splitting in half.

The pain pulsed in my temples and seemed to ripple throughout the rest of my body, especially in my shoulder area. At first, I had no idea. Why was I in so much pain? What happened?

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision blurry before I blinked it away and focused on the white ceiling over my head. I narrowed my eyes, confused before I turned my head to see a heart monitor beeping steadily and an IV stuck in my arm. Well, the one that wasn't in a sling and wrapped up tightly. That arm felt like someone had crushed it with a monster truck.

I turned my head again to see Julian's older brother sitting in a recliner near the corner. He didn't seem to be asleep, but his eyes were closed as he rested his arms on the arm rests, his head tilted back so his blonde hair had fallen away from his face.

Then I instantly remembered everything that had happened.

The hotel. Julian. Those creepy vampire freaks who were running around and shooting people.

A vampire terrorist group called Zephyra that were bent on revenge against Vladimir and Alexander, who then tangled Julian into the whole mess and thus bringing me into it.

Son of a bitch.

I blinked a few times as I slowly pushed myself up as best I could. My movements made the crisp sheets rustle and Alexander's eyes flew open as he sat up quickly before standing and approaching my hospital bed.

"Adam? Are you all right?" He asked, his voice gentle. His voice was soft and sweet, like an angel's, unlike Julian's. Julian, who talked like the tough guy and had the moves to prove it. While Alexander could sound as pretty as he wanted, he could never sound like my Julian.

"For having just been shot and fighting a vampire terrorist group, I feel like Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music." I responded slowly, pausing to cough at how dry my throat was. Alexander noticed instantly and grabbed a glass of water from the nearby nightstand, handing it to me. I used my good arm slowly, bringing the cup to my lips and sipping before I handed it back to him, frowning as I glanced around.

"Where's Julian?" I asked. Alexander paused, glancing over his shoulder at me before looking away as he sat down.

"He's fine. Vladimir took him back home. It's not safe for him to be out and about right now. I've wired some money to your account so you can pay for the hospital bills--"

"I want to talk to Julian." I cut him off sharply. Alexander stared at me for a moment, then looked away again.

"You can talk to him after you get better. You're probably going to be discharged in a couple hours after the doctors do a final check up to make sure you're set to go home."

"I want to talk to Julian. I don't want to go home."

"Adam, I really rather you not hang around my brother right now." Alexander deadpanned as he rose to his feet again. I narrowed my eyes at him in irritation as he walked over to my bed, fixing the blankets before I caught his hand between my knee and the bed rail. He winced and snapped his eyes to look at me, but he didn't seem as angry as he acted.

"I'm not sure if you're not listening to me or if I'm not speaking loud enough," I began heatedly, grinding my knee against Alex's hand, watching him wince, "So here, let me just say it loud enough for you to hear." Alex winced again as I raised my voice.

"Julian is mine. Julian will always be mine. Not because I'm a pervert like that guy who captured him, but beause I actually love Julian. I just got shot for him and I want to see him."

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