Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve (Julian)

Despite what Vladimir had told me, I went to school anyway.

Not to mention, he still hadn't shown up with Alexander and my mom wouldn't take their visiting as an excuse to skip school while I was doing so poorly already.

I let Adam go home after I was done with my episode so he could get ready for school. I dressed in a pair of jeans, a Slip Knot shirt, my jean jacket, fingerless gloves, and Harleys before I brushed my hair and went out to the kitchen for breakfast. My mother was already waiting, pausing to look at me curiously.

"You seem to be in a relatively... good mood." She commented, raising an eyebrow as she sipped from her mug, leaning on the counter in a blood red pencil skirt to match her blazer and white ruffled blouse. I scrunched up my nose as I grabbed a blood bag, puncturing it with my fangs before licking my lips.

Well, I did wake up next to Adam.

And suffered a totally terrifying nightmare that almost made me wet the bed.

"I found my Slip Knot t-shirt." I lied, sucking the rest of the blood out of the bag. My mother made a face of disgust as she plucked at my t-shirt, walking by to put her cup in the sink.

"Sweetheart, throw that thing out. It's terrifying."

"That's the point mom. It's really hard to look intimidating in hot pink." I drawled, handing her the blood bag that she proceeded to throw away. She snorted, shaking her head before taking a hair band off her wrist, tying her thick blonde curls into a sloppy, yet somehow professional bun.

"All right, angel, let's take you to school. I have a meeting at the hospital today and it's not gonna be pretty." She added with a frown. I raised an eyebrow, but didn't ask about it because it's not like I'd understand what she said about business anyway. I followed her outside and we got into the car.

She dropped me off in front and I avoided the front entrance, instead walking around to where I'd meet with my friends. I ducked between the pines and smiled when Seth and Kipp leapt to their feet to greet me brightly, patting me on the back and welcoming me back. Adam sat in the grass for a second, then slowly got to his feet. Seth and Kipp took steps back to give Adam space as he came up to me.

I raised an eyebrow before a smile threatened to tug at the corners of his lips. Without a lick of shame, he leaned forward and kissed me hard on the lips before pulling back to give his lips a lick. I blushed hard and glanced at Seth and Kipp to see their reactions. They seemed perfectly calm and okay with the idea, so I relaxed and we plopped in the grass.

Adam let me sit between his legs, my back against his chest as he held his arms around me while Kipp rested on his skateboard and Seth sprawled in the grass.

"It's starting to get cold out," Seth commented with a shiver, rolling over onto his side and plucking at the bits of dead grass under brown leaves, "We'll need to find somewhere else to hang out before school or we'll freeze to death."

"How about the boiler room," Kipp suggested, "I've been down there once and it's freakin' warm as well. And the potheads steer clear after the janitor chased 'em off."

"Sounds good to me." Seth answered, then glanced at Adam and I. Adam stopped playing with my fingers to glance up, giving a short nod of silence as I sighed.

"Yeah, I like the idea too. I hear it's supposed to snow in a couple days, which is gonna suck. I really wanted to walk home for once." I responded, pausing to watch as Adam traced his fingers over mine, then laced our fingers together. He brought the back of my hand up to his mouth, giving it a kiss, his eyes closed as if he were in utter bliss. My cheeks pinkened and, again, I glanced at Seth and Kipp to see if they were at all disturbed, but they acted like we were just another couple cuddling nearby.

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