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In office

Bani hurriedly entered the office and she bumped into someone.


B:Oh hello Karan

K:Hii.How r u??

B: I am fine. What about you??

K: Even I am fine. Btw I tried to contact you a lot but it was unreachable. After marrying ur ex u didn't contacted with anyone.

B:Oh yes! Busy in enjoying my life.

K: I can see that by being care taker of his children.

B: Shut up Karan. I have much work to do.

Saying this she left from there and entered into Veer's cabin.

In Veer's cabin.

B: Veeranshu I came on time but had to ( she stopped seeing him looking at her with blood shorted  eyes)

V: What he was saying?

B: Who?

V: Your boyfriend.

B:How many times should I tell u he is not my boyfriend?!

V:He is the reason of our breakup.

B: No. It was just your mind thinking about this .

V:My mind is proper but your character isn't. First u leave me and went to Vikram then u thought he is not perfect so u helped ur sister to runaway and marry me.

B: Veeranshu


Just at that time Balwant entered.
Hearing him they both parted away.

Ba: Come Mr. Malhotra has already arrived we need to how for meeting.

V: Yes coming. See u later ( to Bani) glares her and leaves her alone in the cabin.

In the cabin she was sitting on a chair cursing her fate and thinking whether he is the same Veeranshu who used to love her and tell her everytime that he  loves her .

{College time}

One person came running to Bani.

P:Bani ...what r u doing here??
(She said while panting)

Bani gave her water to drink and asked her what happened?

P:That Monica is proposing Veer near the canteen area.

As these words slipped from that person's mouth Bani marched towards the canteen .

Bani went near Monica and she just hold her arm and make her face Bani.And gave a tight slap making Monica's cheek red like tomato.

B: How dare u to snatch my Veer

Now Veer parted her away from Monica and cupped her face.

V: Sweetheart don't worry. I am just yours

M: I thought that u and Veer had break up after ur yesterday's fight.

B: O really! U think that such small fights would create rift between me and him.

V: Sweetheart calm down.

B:How dare she propose u??

V: Like Arjit proposed u yesterday.

B: I am sorry for shouting at u yesterday.

V: It's ok

B:From now onwards I will not repeat the same mistake.

V:U just repeat this mistake and I will punish you at that moment only.
(He said smirking and seeing at her lips. She understood what he meant and slightly hit is chest)

B:I love u Veer.

V:I love you too.(He said welcoming her into a bone crushing hug.)

Flashback ends.

Her thoughts were disturbed by one of the employee.

E: Ma'am Veer sir is calling you in the conference hall.

B:Yes I am coming
As she was coming out she received a call from unknown number. As it was from unknown number so she cut the call.But as the number flashed again she attended the call.As soon as she accepted the call a lone tear escaped from her eyes.

B:I will be there in 15 minutes.Just console her.
Saying this she ran from there.

The employee came into the conference hall.

Mr.M: Mr Singhania where is your employee??

V:He asked the employee where is Bani??

E:Sir she was coming but she received a call and she went.

Mr.M: Mr Singhania what is this??Your employee ran away from important meeting.

V:Mr Malhotra there will be something important that's why she went.I will just her and check.

Mr.M:No need of that as there wouldn't be any deal happening between our companies.If you don't want to do any deal then why u did all this drama?Do you know how much humiliation I have faced.And now I will make sure that there won't be any deal happening between our companies.

V: Mr Malhotra plz listen.(But Mr Malhotra went from there)

V:Bani... I will not leave u

Chapter End

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