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In hospital

B:Vani..She came running and took her daughter in embrace.

Va: Mumma..

B:Tr. how she got injured??

T: Ma'am actually she was playing in the park there she got wounded.

B:You know right how sensetive she is can't you take care of her?

T: Ma'am we are extremely sorry for this.

Va: Mumma I am hungly (hungry)
She said touching her breast. It made Bani feel embarrassed.

T:No problem you carry on.

After feeding Vani she went home and layed her in kids room

B:Baby if u need something call me ok.I will come

Va:Hmm 😘

After laying vani, Bani went in her room where Veer was waiting for her.

V:So madam u came home??

B:Why are you talking like this??

V: Because I thought that you have many important works to do.

B:Come to the point.

V:Why you left the meeting before informing me??

B:I went to hospital because of Vani

V: Stop it.Don't you dare to drag my daughter in this matter and  hide your mistakes.

B: Are you out of your mind??

V:Yes I am saying the truth and u..U r lying. U know how much I hate lies then to u r lying on my face. I should have understand u won't come today for meeting after meeting that Karan.

B:Just shut up Mr Singhania. U know what I was going to give u explanation but u r not worth of it. Just go to hellll.

While fighting they both didn't know how high their voice was.It was audible in the whole house. The children started crying and others started worrying.Bani came down and saw Vani and Vivaan crying their lungs out.She went to them and caressed them.

B:Babies don't cry .. mumma is here don't cry.

Suddenly they heard voice from behind.

V:O hello u r not thier mother.
Give my kids to me.(Saying this he snatched kids from her hand)

Ch:Veer what r u doing? Give kids to their mother!!

V:Mom plz even u know that she is not their mother.

B:Shut ur trap.Give my kids to me.(She took the crying kids and went  to their room. While Veer couldn't take this and started throwing things here and there and went towards his room.)

Ch: I think I did a big mistake by making them both to marry each other. Because of me that innocent girl is facing too much.

D: Badi maa but you wasn't knowing that Bhai would change this much.

Ch: I was so selfish that time . I was only thinking about my son and my grandchildren.

Now it was time for dinner.Everyone was there except Veer.He use to eat his dinner in his room only. After everyone's dinner everyone went to their room . Bani made kids sleep in their room and went to help Chandrakala for kitchen chores.

B: Maa I don't know why this person hates me so much.

Ch: Because you helped Mayuri to escape from here.

B:No maa I didn't. I don't know why she took my name??

Ch: Don't think so much about this go and sleep now it's too late.

B:Even you go.

Ch:Ok . Good Night

B: Good Night.

Saying this she went to kids room to sleep because she knows Veer very well. She knew that he would have locked the door from inside.

In the morning while doing breakfast Bani asked Veer that could she go to her parents house as she was frustrated because of his this behavior. She said that she would return till evening.He permitted her to go.First she was surprised because he never use to allow her so easily to go to her parents home

In the office when Veer was doing some work when someone knocked the and asked may I come in ?? He found the voice was similar. When he looked up to look who is there he was surprised.

Chapter end

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