Dramatic Dramatic, New York Theatric Pt1

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Author's note: This chapter is replacing Survival of the Hottest. Just for more insight into Hailee's story :)

I walk into dance class just in time and group up with my partners Alexis and Julia. We've been practicing a routine for the past week and now we have to perform it. I'm super nervous, but if I don't perform it I get an F. Ms. Foster, our teacher claps to get our attention.

"First up, we have Hailee, Alexis, and Julia. Places please," Ms. Foster announces. I take a deep breath.

(Start the video at 1:17, Hailee is in the middle. Alexis is back left, Julia is back right.)

As I breathe heavily, I look over to Ms. Foster, hoping to get a reaction.

"That was very-" she pauses for a moment. "-empowering. Nice job ladies."

The three of us started to celebrate our small victory by sending smiles to each other. Out of nowhere, Lane comes in.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt. I just have to see Hailee Valentine," Lane announces. I instantly become worried and start thinking of all the possible reasons why he would need to talk to me. I join Lane and we exit the studio and head over to his office.

As I sit down, my thoughts run wild. Are my grades bad? Is Cat okay? Did Jade blame me for one of her stupid pranks on Tori?

"So, what did you want to speak to me about?" I ask.

"Do you remember when Sofia Michelle came here to watch us perform Uptown, Downtown?"

"Yeah, I was a nervous wreck the entire time. Why?"

"She's working on a new musical, in New York, and wants you to choreograph the dances."

"She-she wants me? Choreographing? S-Sofia Michelle?" I sputtered.

"What do you say?"

"I- I'm honored. I'd love to!"

"All right, I'll tell Sofia Michelle you'll be there!"

"When do I have to be in New York?"


"You're kidding."

"I'm not," he tells me with a smile. "I've already told your parents, and I'll tell Tori's parents since you're staying with them."

"That's great!"

"And after your acting class, you're welcome to leave school early."

"Thanks, Lane! I'll make sure to get packing!" I squealed before running out the door.


It's time for Sikowitz's class and I can barely contain my excitement. I started thinking about New York. Choreographing dances for a Broadway show. Seeing Sofia Michelle again. I don't realize Cat and the rest of our friends are coming in.

"Andre, back me up on this," Beck says as I continue to daydream about New York.

"I don't think I should," Andre replies. "She's scary when she's mad."


"No thanks. I'd like to stay on Jade's good side," Robbie says.

"Yeah, that chick is crazy," Rex pipes up.

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