Karaoke Dokie Freaks

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I sit in the front row of the theater as Cat and Andre perform their scene. 

"I'm so scared!" Cat exclaims, in character. 

"Try to relax, everything is going to be all right," Andre replies calmly. 

"You have to get me to a doctor."

Andre shushes her. "If that spider bites your eyeball, you could die in minutes."

"Oh, man. Please get it off my eye."

"I'm going to try. Now shh. Don't move, and don't make a sound."

A phone starts ringing, causing Cat to shriek in surprise and shove Andre. 

"Oh, man. The ringing's back!" Sikowitz yells. He begins swatting at his head. 

"Sikowitz... Sikowitz," Jade tries to get his attention.


"That was a phone," Robbie says. Sikowitz crosses his arms.


"Mines," Tori mutters, raising her hand. 


"I swear, I thought I had it on vibrate!"

"Class is no place for swearing or vibrating," Sikowitz lists. I turn to Caleb, who is sitting on my left.

"That's what he said," I whisper. Caleb chuckles at my joke and Andre speaks up.

"Maybe we should start the scene over?"

"Can we?" Cat asks.

"No, Cat, it's too late. By now, that spider would be in your character's eyeball, and you would be dying a spastic and painful death," Sikowitz replies, handing her one of the props.

"Thanks a lot, Tori," Cat sasses. Sikowitz checks his watch.

"Well, we have about four minutes left. Why don't we all chat about our weekend plans? Robbie, I assume you have none."

Robbie sputters before replying. "I don't."

"Shocker. Rex?" 

"I'm gonna 'partay' with a couple of girls from Northridge," Rex says.

"Northridge girls? That should be an adventure."

"Guess what Jade and I are doing tonight?" Cat speaks up. "There's this new place in Los Feliz. It's called Karaoke Dokie, and they have singing competitions on the weekends, so Jade and I are doing a song."

"I'm picking the song," Jade states.

"Jade's picking the song!" Cat turns to me. "Will you come watch?"

I look at Caleb, and he nods. "Yeah, sure thing Kit-Cat."

Robbie and Rex start arguing about going and bringing the Northridge girls with them.

"Aw, I wish I could go to Karaoke Dokie," Tori whines. 

"Why can't you?" Beck asks.

"Who cares?" Jade sasses.

"I was just-"

"You need Tori to have a good time? Why not Hailee?" Jade snaps. Everyone looks at me, and my eyes widen. "-or Andre? Is that your point?"

"Jade!" Sikowitz intervenes. "You're lucky you and Beck are still friends. Don't be such a gank."

"I swear, this class is gonna be the death of me," I say to Caleb. He pats my shoulder.

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