The Big Showcase

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*Hailee's POV at school*

"No, Cat. Unicorns aren't real," I tell my sister, Cat as we walk to class.

"But maybe they're just, like, really rare!" she argues.

"Highly doubtful."

"Hey," a girl says. I don't recognize her.

"Hi, are you new here?" I ask.

"Yeah, can you tell me where-" She gets cut off.

"Oh my God. You're Tori, right?" my sister asks.

"Yep. That's me. So, can you tell me-" 

"Hail. It's Tori!" my sister cuts Tori off as she looks at me before turning to Tori, " You were so awesome in the big showcase." Tori smiles.

"Aw, thanks."

"My name's Cat and that's Hailee."

"Cat? Like the animal?" Tori asks.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat shouts.

"N-nothing. I love cats."

"Me too! They're so cute," Cat says before walking away.

"Cat! Wait up," I say as I try to catch up.


Cat and I make it to Sikowitz's classroom at the same time as him. 

"Oh my God, there's a huge fire!" Sikowitz yells. We all start to panic.

"Kidding! Kidding. Just wanted to get your blood pumping, which I did. Ha! Alright, now. Let's get started. Rumps in chairs." he says before we all sit back down. I sit by in between Cat and Beck, right behind Andre and Tori. I wave to my friend, Jade and she smiles back.

"Okay. First, I'd like to introduce our new student, Tori. I'd like to thank Tori for her generous gift of $2, which she handed me outside this morning. Not necessary, but much appreciated. Now, today we're going to continue our study on group improv. Tori, I assume you're familiar with improv?" 

"No," she answers.

"Okay, crash course. Improv! Acting without a script, which means the actors must make up their own actions and dialogue as they perform the scene. Understood? Excellent! Jade, you will captain the first group of the day. Choose your actors," Sikowitz says as Jade walks onto the stage.

"Cat, Hailee, Beck, and Tori," Jade says as each of us walks up when called.

"Okay, let's give 'em a place."

"Home," Robbie says as he raises his hand.

"Home," Sikowitz repeats as he writes it down. 

"Ooh, real creative," the puppet, Rex, says.

"You be quiet," Robbie shushes. Rex 'slaps' him. "Ow!"

"And now we need a situation," Sikowitz urges the class.

"Big news," Andre calls out.

"Andre, nobody wants to see big nudes."

"News," Andre corrects him.

"Ah, well, that's different. Big news," Sikowitz says before writing it down.

"Uh, why don't you go wait in the hall?" Jade suggests to Tori.

"Uh, okay," Tori agrees before walking out.

"Okay. At home, big news..." Sikowitz summarizes as Cat and I decide to kneel down," and action."

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