Slumber Party

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In Sikowitz's class, Andre and Tori are practicing a scene. Not even halfway through, Sikowitz cuts in.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kids. Excuse me. I don't mean to interrupt the scene, but Tori, look at the red dot I drew on this index card..." He holds up a card. "Boo!" Tori jumps and falls to the floor, which startles me.

"Sikowitz! You scared the Fudge outta me!"

"Why did you stop crying?"


"You were playing the role of a crying woman who's just been told she's going to have surgery. Why did you break character?"

"'Cause, you interrupted our scene and screamed boo in my face!"

"Tori and Andre, take your seats. I'm trying to teach you kids about method acting, and that means whatever character you're playing, you must stay in that character, the entire time, no matter what happens. Whether on camera or off camera, on stage or off stage, you've got to understand that..." The bell rings and Sikowitz sighs. "Until tomorrow." He sits on the stage. Tori, Andre, Robbie, Cat, Jade, and Beck hang back. Caleb pulls my hand, forcing us to stay too.

"Look, I'm sorry we disappointed you," Tori whines.

"Yeah, it's just that we think that method acting is kinda dumb," Robbie tells him.

"Dumb," Caleb adds, as he leans against a chair nearby.

"Yeah. Well, of course, you think method acting is dumb. It's too challenging for you," Sikowitz says.

"Yeah, I really don't think that's the issue here," Jade remarks.

"Well..." Caleb starts.

"You wanna keep talking, Picasso?"

Caleb snorts in response, and Sikowitz continues to, as he put it- "issue a challenge." 

"Beck, you'll choose for Cat. Cat will choose for Robbie. Robbie will choose for Beck. Caleb will choose for Tori. Tori will choose for Jade. Jade, you'll choose for Andre. Andre will choose for Hailee and Hailee will choose for Caleb," the middle-aged man rambles. "I think that deserves some applause!"

We clap for his rambling.

 "We'll meet in the black box theater after school to hear who's playing what."

"Hey, Tori. Maybe you should play a woman who loves to make out with two-foot-tall guys who happen to be me," Rex comments. Tori then proceeds to make out with Rex.

"Is that what you wanted?" she responds.

"Rex?" Robbie questions.

"Take me home," the puppet demands.

* * *

We're all sitting in the black box theater, ready to give and get our roles.

"Okay, Beck. What role will Cat be playing at the great Sikowitz sleepover?" Sikowitz asks. Beck gets onto the stage.

"Cat will play a 1980s standup comedian who's very annoying," Beck announces.

"I wanna be a unicorn!" Cat exclaims, giving Beck her best puppy eyes.

"If yo-" I glare at Beck. "You can't."


"Now, Cat, who will Robbie be playing?" Sikowitz asks. Cat runs up to the stage, switching spots with Beck.

"Well, I've decided Robbie's role should be a motivational speaker... "

"Ooh, I can do that!" Robbie says.

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