Chapter 24

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A cow wandered into our yard from the neighbor's house and began to eat our grass while I was in the middle of writing this. She was the happiest cow I've ever seen, flopping her ears every which way and eating as much as she could as quickly as she could.

Cows are so cute XD.

Edit: My mom chased the cow into our back pasture for until the neighbors get home to claim their cow back.

Huh. ^^That was months ago. We named her/him moomoo, and then we moved away.


"Again!" Jungkook hollered. I flinched, running through the drills as fast as I could once again. I was training with a few of the new guards today, so he wasn't strictly yelling at me. But it was still scary.

Fuck, my muscles hurt--

I panted as my feet hit the ground, resisting the urge to let the rest of my body hit it too as Jungkook began to criticize the guards on their stiffness. Thankfully, he hadn't come at me for anything yet today. I don't think I could take his anger right now. Not when my limbs felt like jello.

Thankfully, my savior came in before Jungkook could come after me. Taehyung walked into the room, bringing two boxes of lunch.

"Take ten, guys." Taehyung said, and the guards all fell to their feet. I melted to the ground too as Jungkook complained at Taehyung for giving them orders without his permission, but Taehyung shut Jungkook up with a firm kiss and handed him one of the lunch boxes. Jungkook blushed as he stared at Taehyung who walked away from him--and towards me.

"Yoongi hyung wants you to meet him in his office for lunch." He said, making me frown.

"What for?"

He shrugged. "Dunno. But you have ten minutes to go and eat."

I sighed, but obediently pushed myself off the ground and walked by him to go to Yoongi's office while Taehyung returned to Jungkook so they could eat together.

Whenever I got to Yoongi's office, I didn't bother to knock. I opened the door, and found him sitting at his desk with his eyes glued to his camera system. He sent a glare my way whenever he heard the door open, but it quickly faded whenever he saw me.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said with a smile.

"It's not morning time anymore." I pointed out as I came in and sat in the chair across from his desk.

He hummed, before he motioned towards a bag of takeout that sat on his desk. "I got you lunch."

I glanced over at the bag, making no moves towards it. He looked confused, giving me a small smile whenever I didn't take it. I glanced back over at him with a little frown.

"You do remember that I'm a vampire, right? I don't need to eat." I said, and he gave me a small smile.

"Of course I remember. But just because you don't have to eat doesn't mean you shouldn't. But I mean...if you want something more geared towards your body..." He unbuttoned his collar suggestively. I gulped, very tempted, but hesitant.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I eyed his newly exposed neck. "Can I...?"

"Of course, baby. You can have some whenever you want it." He said with a smile.

I gulped, my eyes running over his pale skin, particularly the vein on his neck, before I stood up and walked around his desk. I slid into his lap slowly, unbuttoning some more of his shirt before I leaned forward, giving him a glance before I sank my teeth into his neck. He grunted in pain at first, but that quickly turned into soft groans of pleasure. I breathed deeply in the smell of his blood, savoring the taste of type O as I drank it slowly. I could feel him tensing up beneath me as the pleasure woke his body up. He placed his hands on my hips, holding me tightly as I drank my fill--which wasn't much since I'd had some blood not too long ago.

Whenever I was finished and felt rejuvenated, I let go of his neck and licked my lips. I took in the sight of his wrecked state, how sweaty and pale--paler than usual at least--he looked. He watched me with hooded eyes, shifting his hips beneath me as he moved to lay back in his chair.

"I will never get used to that feeling." He mumbled to himself, his eyes wandering over my body.

"Does it feel that good?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Did you not feel the pleasure too? You seemed like you felt it last time." He mumbled, making me shake my head.

"I get an adrenaline rush, but not much else."

"Ah..." He hummed. He seemed to watch me for a little while as I wiped the blood off my face and licked my fingertips, a small smile on his face at my satisfied expression.

"You're cute."

I paused whenever I heard him, looking up at him as I tried to register what he'd said.

"I'm wiping your blood off my face and licking it off my fingers, and you think I'm cute?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Adorable." He said with a smile.

I blushed, before I stood up from his lap. "I need to get back to the dojo. Taehyung hyung only gave us a ten minute break." I said, turning around to retreat, but he grabbed my hand.

"Forget it. You look like you've done enough training for today. Why don't you stay with me for awhile?" He asked, pulling me close and back into his lap. "Pretty baby--I don't want you to leave just yet."

I whined, but obediently sat back in his arms. "If Jungkook hyung gets're dealing with his anger."

"That's fine." He mumbled, scooting his chair closer to his desk. I relaxed in his arms, smiling a little as he began to work with me in his lap. I watched as he worked, though I didn't understand any of what he did. Most of it was observing cameras anyway.

"Do you have a chess board you use to calculate your next move, like in movies?" I blurted out without thinking.

He gave me a confused look, before he chuckled. "No. I don't even know how to play chess." He said with a smile. "Nothing that you see in movies is accurate, love."


I blushed at the nickname. "O-Oh..."

He chuckled again. "Cutie." He doted, before he went back to observing the cameras. But something he seemed to pause before he asked, "Can you move, love? I gotta go somewhere real fast."

Confused, I obediently got out of his lap. To my surprise, he pecked my nose and mumbled, "Go back to the dojo. I'll see you later tonight, beautiful."

I blushed, nodding obediently as he left the room. Once he was gone, I quickly finished cleaning up my face before I went back to the dojo.

"Where have you been?!" Jungkook hollered whenever I came in.

I flinched at his loud voice. "Yoongi hyung made me stay longer..." I mumbled.

"Oh." He said in a normal voice. "Go do your stretches."

Thankful that he'd calmed down at just that response, I quickly went to stretch again before I joined up with the other trainees.


Would it bother you guys if I added little taekook or namjin parts to the book whenever I've got a short filler type chapter?

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