Chapter 37

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~Jimin's POV~


The random greeting behind me startled me into whipped my head over my shoulder. I stared with wide eyes at a man who had greeted me. He took my acknowledgement as an invitation to sit next to me.

"Mind if I buy you a drink?"

I gave him a little smile. "I don't mind."

With a triumphant smile, the man turned his head and flagged down the bartender, asking him for two double shots of cinnamon whiskey. I scrunched my nose at his strong choice in drink, preferring the fruity vodkas and cocktails, but didn't want to be rude and ask for something I could handle.

This is only my second time drinking...

The only reason I managed to get into this shady bar is because they didn't ID me...

I wonder why this dude is even interested in me enough to buy me a drink? My potbelly is pretty obvious in this outfit...

Curious, I asked.

"Why did you approach me?"

"Because you're beautiful." He said with a smile as the bartender slid our two drinks along the table to us.

"Thank you." I said with an awkward smile, hesitantly picking up the large shot glass. I gave him a nervous look, before I kicked back the shot and took as much as I could in one gulp. The man didn't drink his own shot though. He just observed me with an expectant smile, waiting for me to drink the last of the shot. I sucked my tongue, trying to get the nasty taste off of it before I took the last of the double shot, only for the man to slide the other shot closer to me. My eyes widened whenever I realized that he expected me to drink both doubles. I shot him a little frown, wondering if he was wanting to get me balls ass drunk.

Is he planning something...?

I tried to politely decline the shot, trying to give an excuse of being a light weight and saying I'd had too much already, but...he wasn't having it. He insisted, pushing the glass of whiskey closer and into my hands.

Fuck, I hate pushy people...

I'll just go home after I take these shots. Tell him thank you and say bye. I'll just get a cab...

Slowly, I lifted the shot glass to my lips and kicked it back, taking it much lile the other double I'd taken. I resisted the urge to gag at the taste, cringing as I finished it off as quickly as I could. I slammed the emptied shot glass down on the table, feeling my vision going all over the place as my brain scattered. I groaned, trying to keep down all the alcohol so I didn't throw up everywhere.

"You alright?" The man asked, though he had an amused grin on his face. He wasn't the slightest bit worried about me being sick.

I just grunted in response and stood up from my stool. "I'm fine..." I mumbled, putting my hand up to my mouth so I wouldn't throw up. "I just--I think I'm gonna go home now..." I said, trying not to slur up a storm as I turned and tried to walk off.

"Oh wait! I can take you home. It isn't safe for you to go home all alone while you're drunk."

I trust a cab driver more than I trust a stranger at a bar that just made me drink two double shots of whiskey.

"No. No--that's okay." I mumbled. I tried to get him to leave me alone, but my head started to spin. I let out a little groan, seconds before my legs buckled beneath me and I blacked out.


~Yoongi's POV~

"Where is he?"

"I don't know sir. We found his hotel room, but he isn't there right now. He's got it rented out for one more night though, so he should show up..." One of my guards reported. I frowned, not liking his answer one bit. I crooked my finger, motioning for the guard to come closer. I could see the blood drain from his face as he slowly moved closer, until he stood right in front of my desk.

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