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                                    THE TRUTH

Morana and Bucky left the lounge room, for Sam and Zemo to talk but mainly for them to have privacy

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Morana and Bucky left the lounge room, for Sam and Zemo to talk but mainly for them to have privacy. Bucky knew deep down this was hard for Morana as he knew from day one she was a closed book. So, he, himself was utterly shocked when morana agreed, with no sarcastic answer or even a firm no.

Bucky knew it helped as they have been getting closer these past few weeks, not to mention they've shared a kiss twice. Still waiting for the right moment to have a date and maybe make things official.

Morana, On the other hand, was surprised with herself, she never opened up to anyone. She would just take out her stocked up emotions on her punching bag and that was enough.

But her getting to know Bucky these last few weeks changed something in her. She's not sure if it's a good or bad thing yet. But all she knows is she feels some type of connection with him. And she wasn't going to lose that over her own self pettiness.

They both started to realise they weren't as bad as they made out each other to be. In fact they enjoy each other's company and have become quite fond of one another not to mention protective, more so Bucky. Especially with John.

He could sense something was up from day one, but he didn't want to push her, besides he didn't know her like he does now.

Morana also thought it was time to open up, who knows maybe it'll do her some good and she'll start to feel better. And apart of her feels like she owes Bucky some explanation especially considering she knows a lot about him and his past thanks to the files.

They both sat on the bed, a fair amount of distance between them.

"So, where do I start?" Morana laughed, dryly.

"Wherever you want" Bucky said, softly.


"A few years back, when I was 18, bearing in mind i'm 24 now. Me and John had a relationship when he used to be a somewhat sweet guy. Eventually, he showed his true colours" I sighed.

It was never like John to be mad, but over the months of dating which turned into years, he got way more aggressive and possessive. I told him he needed to calm down, yet he never listened. I let him control me and do whatever he wanted. It got to the point where he wouldn't even allow me to have girl or boy friends, and some days he wouldn't even allow me to leave the house" Morana explained.

"I'm sorry, that must of been awful" Bucky said, his eyes not leaving her's once.

"It was, but by the time I left him. It was too late. As time went on, I started to pluck up courage to leave" I said, exhaling.

"I packed my bags, finally releasing I deserved better than that piece of shit. Though, it wasn't long after he walked in on me getting ready to leave. He obviously didn't take that well. I told him I was sick of him and his bullshit and he hit me. He hit me and hit me until I was black and blue"

"That was the first time he had ever laid a finger on me. I was too frightened to leave especially with his threats and now knowing what he was capable of made it worse, so I sucked it up and stayed"

"I-.." Bucky trailed off, "I'm so sorry Morana, no one deserves to be treated like that, especially someone like you"

"Yeah and that wasn't even the worse part" Morana scoffed, tears briming her eyes but she refused to let them fall, having her promising herself she would never let anyone see her cry again. "It's just whenever I see him or hell even think of him, I get so angry — so damn angry and I just physically can't hold back and I think it'll make me feel better by letting it out but it makes me feel worse and I proceed to do it" Morana added on, before continuing.

"A few months later, I found out I was pregnant, luckily enough the abuse stopped just in time, as I started to 'behave' more, according to John. I was confused and upset but most of all disappointed in myself, for letting something as such happen to me"

"We were always careful or so I thought, besides after he hit me I never let him touch me sexually again. I would sneak off to the appointments for the start of my pregnancy but I knew as I got bigger I would have to tell him and that scared me to death" Morana sighed, breaking eye contact with Bucky.

"More months passed and before I knew it I was 5 months pregnant, I also found out I was having a baby girl. And I started to realise how much of was a blessing she really was, despite the morning sickness and what not. It was crazy how much I loved her when she wasn't even born. It was probably my motherly instincts kicking in but, I knew I would do whatever to make sure she'd get the life she deserved"

"I finally told John and he didn't take it well. He screamed and shouted and told me how much of a disgrace I was for getting pregnant and that it was all my fault. It was only then he hit me, but that time they were harder and more painful. I did everything I could to get him off me, but he did everything in his power in making sure I couldn't move. And he did a damn good job of it. I knew the baby wouldn't have survived the hits, kicks and punches like that, hell I almost didn't"

"But I wanted to believe she'd be fine, but my hopes were soon cut short as I heard those five horrific words from the doctor.."i'm sorry for your loss" Morana repeated, her voice breaking slightly looking anywhere but at Bucky, knowing if she looked at him she'd probably let the tears fall freely.

"Hey," Bucky said, lifting up Morana's chin forcing her to look at him. "You would have been a great Mom and that little girl would have been the luckiest child to have a Mom like you" Bucky said, his heart breaking from the sight of Morana, knowing she was never this vulnerable or open with him.

"Anyway," Morana said, wiping her eyes with her hands. "I became stronger, you know? I didn't want to be that weak little girl I once was and now look at me, i'm the best version of myself. Of course I think about my little girl daily but I know it's the past and I have to accept she's gone"

"That doesn't mean you can't mourn" Bucky implied, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

"I know" She sighed, placing her hand on Bucky's. "Thank you for everything Bucky, it means a lot"

Bucky smiled. "Of course"

"Now how about we get a drink, huh?" Morana asked.

"Sounds good" Bucky admitted, a bit surprised at Morana's sudden change of the topic, but he knew it must of hurt to talk about, so he didn't blame her.

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