Chapter One: Murder at Bowser's Castle

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King Bowser Koopa was sitting down in the castle War Room with his advisor and former caretaker, Kamek Magikoopa. 

Bowser looked over at the calendar to see that it was the month of May, still in the year 1546.

Bowser had grown up learning that the year system started back in the year 0, when the Mushroom Kingdom was founded by the Humans and the Toads.

A century or so later, the mighty Genghis Koopa had formed an empire to conquer all of the Earth's kingdoms, but then the empire fell due to Toad Revolts, and this led to an eternal rivalry between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopa Kingdom.

For the past three years, that meant constant battles between Bowser and Mario.

"Kamek" Bowser growled "I have some ideas on how to succeed against the Mario Bros"

"Oh what is it now?" Kamek sighed "More bridges with buttons? Flying vehicles that shoot robotic koopas? Bricks that break apart when you jump on them? You are full of trashy ideas Bowser!"

"I know!" Bowser replied "I mean, three years ago I kidnapped Princess Peach for the first time, and then those pesky Mario Bros pushed the button to destroy the bridge and make me fall into lava!"

"I remember that well" Kamek said "While the Mario Bros were off in the Mask Kingdom battling that King Wart guy, I was taking the burnt body of Dry-Bowser and using magic to bring back normal Bowser"

"And then I had my revenge" Bowser growled "The Koopalings and the Airships terrorized all the lands, but then Mario defeated me again.... And another time after that in Dinosaur Land, and then another time when Bowser Jr came to help me....And once every month lately"

"What kind of plan of yours could possibly succeed?" Kamek asked

"I'm gonna stop using Clown Cars and Bridges and Buttons and Bricks!" Bowser declared "I shall get out the giant robot suits and the Airships with giant cannons and all that good stuff!"

"Wow" Kamek said, amazed "For once you have a good idea"

"I know" Bowser agreed "It feels weird to know that I might be successful next time"

Meanwhile, outside of Bowser's Castle, one of Bowser's minions was patrolling alone.

The three Monty brothers were supposed to patrolling with Goomba, but they had decided to attend some all-night party with the Koopalings instead.

Goomba did not like being alone and walking in the dark, because every time he was in the dark, by himself, he felt as if there was always something watching him.

Little did Goomba know that right now, there was something watching him.

Something deadly and dangerous.

Goomba saw a sudden movement in the bushes near him, and he looked over to see the face of someone he knew- except it wasn't someone he knew

Before Goomba even had the chance to open his mouth and speak, the mysterious person charged forward.

Inside of the War Room, Bowser and Kamek heard a very loud scream from outside

"Koopa Troopa! Boom-Boom!"

Two of the Koopa Troop's best generals, Boom B. Boom and K. Koopasaur Troopakoopas, arrived in the War Room

"What is lord Bowser?" Koopa Troopa asked 

"We heard screams outside!" Bowser yelled "Investigate this at once!"

"Sure thing, Lord Bowser" Boom-Boom said, and he dashed off with Koopa Troopa

An hour later, Boom-Boom burst into the room

"What's wrong, Boom-Boom?" Kamek asked

"We found the body of Goomba" Boom-Boom replied "He had marks on his body that made us think that he may have been killed by- um- I'll tell you later. More importantly, we know that there is a killer somewhere, so Koopa Troopa and a squad of soldiers are searching every corner in the hills around the Castle, while the rest of the Castle goes into lockdown for the night"

"Very well" Bowser said "And tell me about the marks on Goomba's body?"

Kamek watched as Boom-Boom whispered something into Bowser's ear, and Bowser's eyes went wide as if he had heard a name which hadn't been spoken to him in a very long time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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