Chapter 4: The Overseers[controversial]

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I. The Overseers

'Are you that White-coat person?' Lilith said, sitting with her knees up to her chest, and her arms folded across them with her head down. She was peering out with her eyes.

'Why, yes I am,' I did a little curtsy.

'Why did you kill him?' Lilith cried horrified.

'Kill who?'


'Who the hell is Tony?' I turned around and glanced at the legs blocking the doorway. 'Oh, the guard you were talking to, I didn't kill him.'

'What did you do to him?' Lilith questioned, sobbing.

'I knocked him out.'

'You're not going to hurt me are you?'

'Now, why would I want to go and do that for Lilith Littleton?'

'You did it to him! There are other guards in here that will...'

'I knocked them all out.'

'Oh my god,' Lilith said with her eyes wide open in awe. 'How did you do that?' I mean, they all had guns!'

'How about you get off that floor and stop crying, and I'll tell you all about it plus more, where are the camera men? Let's get this interview going.'

'There are no camera men,' Lilith stood up cautiously and dusted herself off. 'Everything is already set up to shoot, it's just you and...well, it's literally just you and I in here now. What will you do about all the hundreds of soldiers and cops below us?'

'I'm not doing anything about them at all.'

'Well, there are a lot of them!'

'Since it's already 9pm, and nobody outside the building knows I'm here besides the six unconscious guards'-

'-wait, you didn't fly in here?' Lilith interrupted.

'No, I snuck my way inside the adjacent building while that heavy rain provided good cover for me, then I used the walkway to get me into Rock City.'

'Wow, that's...quite a feat.'

'Yes I know,' I flaunted my hair back cockily. 'Now, back to what I was saying. They will be calling in the guards here, telling them to call it night which means you'll be done here too. I want us to move to the building I came in through and do the interview there.'

''re not going to hurt me are you?' Lilith said still untrusting.

'I promise I won't hurt you.'

'May I ask why you chose me of all people?'

'I like you, Lilith Littleton,' I said, grinning widely.

Lilith Littleton is indeed a very likable girl. She is short, petite and has the body of a thirteen year old girl that underwent puberty too quickly. She is teddy bear cute. She has tiny lips, round cheeks, small green eyes, and a short, stout nose. She has short, wavy, dirty blonde hair, and walks with a peculiar swing of the hips she did unconsciously. A graduate of New York University in Journalism, she has a knack, and the face to be in front of the camera. She takes her work seriously and is dedicated to seeing things through to the end. She has an overly friendly personality, was too trusting, naïve, gullible, and believed most things people told her.

Lilith despised being alone and has two dogs and one cat. When her dogs were sleep, her cat was up, and when her cat was sleep, her dogs were up to keep her company. She is known to "friend-zone" many a man in her short 24 years of life. She uses men to keep her from being lonely at night when all of her pets were asleep. When the men asked for sex, she would break into tears and say she only wanted to cuddle which would make men succumb to her tears. It is quite a surprise she hasn't been raped yet, a few of her friends often mentioned.

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