Chapter 4

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"Ugh.", Meredith groaned as she woke up with the sun shining right into her green eyes.

She found a blanket laying on the floor and she grabbed it and wrapped it around her body. She stood up off of the couch. However, when she stood up, she must have woken him up. 

She grabbed her black dress that was now wrinkled and picked it up to try to put it back on. He picked up her black bra that she was wearing from the night before and handed it to her, "This is...", was all he got to say before she interrupted him.

"Not how I expected this to go.", she said as she grabbed the bra from him, "I have to go. My friends are probably wondering where I am. What time is it?", she asked; trying to look for a clock.

"Why don't you come back down here and we pick up where we left off?", he asked trying to persuade her to stay.

"No seriously I have to go. I'm-", she said, then she realized she isn't supposed to be living at home, she is supposed to be a college student, a senior, a senior college student.

"I'm what?", he asked.

"I'm late for a.. study session!", she finally came up with something that was believable. 

"Oh, understandable.", he said while putting his pants back on. "So, will I see you on campus, or at graduation since you rarely come out of your place?". 

"I don't know honestly.", Meredith said as she slipped her dress back on. "I guess we'll see.".

"Ookay then.", he said while he put his button-up back on. 

"Alright, I'm going to leave now, so um goodbye, umm...", she said but then she remembered she doesn't know his name.

"Derek.", he said while sticking his hand out.

"Derek, right, Meredith.", she said while placing his hand in his to shake it.

"Meredith.", he said, trying to remember the name of the beautiful face that stood right in front of him.

"Mmh", she said while relating her hand from his. She walked to the door to put her heels back on.

"Nice meeting you!", he said as she opened the door.

"Bye, Derek.", she said while leaving his apartment.

She tried to make herself look put together, but that's hard after a long night of sex and being hungover.

She walked to the parking spot where her friend parked her car. However, her friend's car was no longer there. She had no other option other than to go back to Derek's apartment and explain everything to him, everything. Everything she had told him was a lie. And she had to spend a 3-hour car ride with him. She wasn't looking forward to it but at the same time, she was.

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