Chapter 2

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When I wake up the next morning Hermione is shaking me awake.

I open my eyes with a groan. "Come on change into your robes so we can head to breakfast." She says I sigh and get up grabbing my clothes and walking into the bathroom. I didn't need to take a shower so I just got dressed and did my hair and makeup. When that was done we head down and see Harry and Ron waiting in the common room.

"Come on lets head to breakfast." We all head down their and sit down Professor McGonagall passes out our timetables and I look at mine. History of magic, Potions, Double Herbology, Transfiguration and Divination today.

"Harry! Hermione! Ron! Give me your timetables!" I snatched them without them saying anything. "Hmm, it looks like we have all out classes together." I say smiling and handing them back. We all talk and eat. Then we are off to our first class. History of Magic with Hufflepuff. They all told me about all the teachers in this school and he is the only one being a ghost.

When we get in I sit next to Harry. Then the lesson starts. It was boring and made me want to fall asleep but it was easy enough. Harry hated this subject and he wasn't very good either. He was zoned out half the class. So when the bell rang it made him jump which made me giggle.

"Ok class, your homework today is to right a full page of how Goblins fought in the war. Due Friday. Class dismissed." He said, I gathered my bag and put my ink, quill and parchment in my bag and headed off to my next class. They all warned me that Snape hated Gryffindor's and took points for no reason. This class was of course with Slytherin.

Harry sat in the back and I sat with him. It was freezing in here for sure. The candles didn't help much with the lighting. Ron and Hermione sat in front of us bickering. I leaned over to Harry, "Do they do this a lot?" He nods and I smile. "Oi! You 2 shut up." I say leaning over with a smile on my face. They look at me and I smile innocently.

Then the doors slammed shut and I jumped back in my seat. Professor Snape stalking down the isle with his cloak behind him. "Parker sit down!" He said spinning around, I quickly sat down and looked down. I quickly took out some parchment with ink and my quill. He started to talk lowly but I could hear every word.

I quickly wrote things down and soon we were brewing a potion that he was talking about I was working with Harry and was cutting some roots when there was an explosion, me and Harry looked over and saw Neville Longbottom has blew up his potion again. It spilt over the table and it melted it. It then went on the floor and quickly spread.

Me and Harry were close to him so we hopped up onto the table as more students did the same. Snape quickly went over and fixed it but Neville was whimpering as it was all over him and his face making big red spots on it. I cringed.

"Parker take Neville to Madam Pomfrey!" He barked, "And come back once your done." He says staring me down. I nod and quickly get off. I take Neville's hand and rush him out. "Uh, which way is the Hospital Wing?" I ask, he points the way and we start going there. "So does this happen a lot?" I ask he nods with tears in his eyes.

"Oh Neville." I smile shaking my head. He was a cute boy, but he doesn't have self confidence. He has a kind heart and I know if he puts his mind to something he can do it. We walk in and an older lady looks over and gasps. "Neville!" She cries and quickly comes over. We guide him to a bed. "You may leave Miss. Parker."

I nod smiling. "Ok, see ya Neville." I wave he smiles at me and I leave, I head back to class and sit down helping Harry again. A few minutes later Snape comes over and looks at our potion. "Potter what color should it be?" He asked quiet rudely. He looks at the book and then looks at him again. "Um, a light blue Sir." He says.

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