Chapter 10

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The next day I get ready for the day. The first task is Saturday so that leaves Harry 5 days to practice. I change into my robes and then do my hair and makeup. When that was done me and Mione head to breakfast with Harry and Ron. We see some pins that people are wearing. Potter stinks it was it said.

People show them off to us on the way there. "Don't pay attention to them Harry." I say grabbing his hand. He just looks down we get to the Great Hall and start eating and talking. The daily delivery comes and Jake drops a letter in my lap. He lands on the table almost knocking my pumpkin juice down.

"Hey bud." I say petting him. I hand him a piece of toast. Then he flies away. I open my letter and read it.

Dear Miss. Lila

I am free you can come up before your morning classes after breakfast my dear. I wouldn't mind some company.

P.S. If you haven't forgotten I like Lemon Drops.

Sincerely, Dumbledore.

He had neat writing. I smile and look up at the Professor's table. Dumbledore catches my eyes and smiles then winks. I smile back and put the letter in my bag.

"I have to meet Dumbledore after this." I say Ron, Hermione, Harry and the twins look up. "That's great!" They say, "Mione if I don't come back for my class before it ends can you write notes for me?" "Sure." She says smiling. "What do we have today anyways?" Ron asks, "Care of Magical Creatures, Double Charms, and Transfiguration. Honestly do you guys not pay attention, in anything?" Hermione says.

"Mione you should know better, idiots like them can't comprehend things." The twins say. I laugh looking at Harry then Ron who were both glaring but smiling. I looked over at the Professor's table and see Dumbledore leave. I finish my food and drink my pumpkin juice then I look back up and see Professor Snape look at me. I smile at him and wave a little. He smiles back but gets up and follows him. Hmm, I wonder why he is following Professor Dumbledore.

Professor Snape's P.O.V.

I follow Dumbledore he would like to talk to me in his office. "lemon drops." He says the door opens and we head up the stairs and into his office. He sits down in his chair and I continue to stand after he motions for me to sit.

"Severus, this is about your daughter." He says my eyes widen and I sit. "What about her? Is she alright? Is my Lilac alright?" I ask quickly he smiles. "Yes, yes she is good. But...." "But what? Please tell me she didn't get pregnant by Harry Potter."

My heart started to pick up. "Severus have faith in her." "I do!" "Anyways she want stop know her real father. She sent me this letter late last night." He hands me a letter and I start reading,

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I would like to talk to you about my father. My god father, Remus Lupin told me the last time he was here. Then my mother confirmed it a day later. It is hard not being mad at them nor my real father, I know it was out of love but I am a little sad.

I wanted to come and talk to you about it. I don't care about anything write now I just want to meet my father. I still love him, and now that I know about it I am not just going to abandon my mother and little brother. Please, I love my father no matter what. I need to meet him.


I look up astonished, "She can't know me. She'd hate me!" I say, "No, Severus your daughter wants to meet you. Let her see her real father. She said she loves you." Tears come to my eyes, "I love her too but it is hard, she looks so much like Rose. First Lily died, then Rose all the women who I am close with ends up dead. I don't want her dead to then I'd have no will in life to live."

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