Chapter 11

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It was the day. The day Harry will be fighting a dragon. I was on edge and worried. We all were in the Great Hall. Somehow the word got out that I was Professor Snape's daughter. People knew me and some were even scared of me. I look at Harry who was holding my hand tightly but not eating. "Harry you have to eat. If you don't then you won't have nay energy and if you don't have any energy then how will you defeat the dragon?" I say.

He looks at me. "I am not hungry." "Well to bad." I give him a piece of toast, "Eat, now." He sighs but takes a bite. I smile and eat my toast. Then when that is done everyone head to the Quidditch Pitch. I walk in the tent with Harry who was now freaking out. Fleur came over and hugged me. "Be careful please." I say to her, "I vill I promise." I nod I turn to Harry,

"Harry you got this ok?" He takes a deep breath, "Don't forget that spell ok? That can save your arse." He nods smiling. He hugs me then pecks my lips right when there was a flash. I looked and saw some blonde bimbo with glasses and a writing pad and quill. "Harry Potter's Girlfriend at last. What is your name?" She asks,

"Non of your business woman." "Hmm, feisty I see." She says smirking, "Lila out!" McGonagall says to me, "Lila is your name. Such a pretty name. Any last name?" She asks I turn to McGonagall and she shoos her out. I turn to Harry and kiss him. "You got this Harry." He nods taking a deep breath. I then walk out and see Remus with my mother and little brother next to my friends and Fred and George with a red headed woman.

I jog up the stairs and Uncle Moony hugs me tightly. "I'm Molly." The women said then she hugs me into a bone crushing hug. Then she pulls back. "It is so nice to have another daughter." SHe says I laugh and my mother comes over and hugs me then I take Damion and hold him. "Hi bud. How are you?" "I am good sissy." "Have you seen your real father?" Uncle Moony says I nod smiling.

"Yea! I am so happy we are finally together again." He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Who is your real father?" Molly asks me, "Um, Professor Snape." She nods with a little smile then we watch as the champions take the dragons out. Krum did a good job broke his leg. Fleur only got light burns on her back. Cedric twisted his ankle and broke his wrist.

The was Harry he came out and saw the egg, he started running at it but the dragon blew fire at him. He hid behind a rock and then the dragon drags him off the rock then he fell. He was still for a moment but then he got up and his behind another rock.

"Don't forget the spell Harry!!!!" I yelled I saw him nod then I saw his firebolt come soaring. He hopped on and flew up. He flew around the pitch, "Thank you!" He says, "Your welcome!" I say back. Then the dragon breaks free of the chains and I gasp.

The dragon chases harry to the castle. A few minutes later I saw Harry come back with his broom on fire. "YEAH!! YES!! WHOOO!!!!" I screamed.

He had scratches on his face and his arm looked weird. The dragon tamers took the dragon out. I ran down the stairs and ran to him. I hugged him tightly. "Thank merlin your ok." He laughs and kisses me for a minute. Then I say bye to my family and we have a party in the common room. The 7th years conjured up some butterbeer and other things. George, Lee and Fred got snacks from the kitchens anf soon we had music playing and people dancing.

He opened the egg and a screaming came from it. "What the Bloody Hell was that?" Ron said. Ron went over to Harry and they started to talk. I smiled because Ron was being a Git. I hope they were making up. Soon they were smiling at each other which made me smile. The next day we were eating when Colin Creevy came over and handed Ron a big package.

Then he stood there, Ron whispered to him then he left. "Sorry I said you would give him an autograph." I giggle as Hermione smiles and Harry rolls his eyes. He took out what looked like to be a dress with red robes and ruffles on it. "Is this a dress?" He asks, I laugh. "Ginny I think this is for you." He says walking over.

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