Chapter 15

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Tomorrow was the 2nd task of the Triwizard Tournament. Harry still didn't know how he was going to be underwater for an hour. Me Hermione, Ron and Harry were in the library trying to figure it out. Professor Moody came over to us. "Hermione Lila Dumbledore wants you in his office right now."

"We can't go now Professor we need to help Harry breathe underwater for tomorrow." I say. "I am here to help no go." I sigh, "Ok well see you both tomorrow, love you Harry." I kiss him quickly then me and Mione make our ways there. I run a hand through my hair, it was curly today and I loved it.

Colin ended up giving everyone pictures he took. I got some of me and Harry, Me and Mione, Me and Ron, Me and the twins, then Hermione and Krum, Hermione and Harry, and Hermione and Ron. Then there were ones of Ron and everyone, then I got some of Cedric and I during our slow dance we did. Me and Krum and some. Then Fleur and I. Then all of the Champions and their dates all of us together. I made copies and made them all move.

I had put them in a picture book. One of my favorites were when Harry and I were dancing with the rest of the champions. Then during that dance I got one with Cedric and I. He had thrown his head back and laughed I was laughing and looking down. Then it moved to him smiling while talking which made me laugh. They were my 2 favorite pictures.

We finally get to Dumbledore's office and when we do we see Gabrielle and Cho. I then realized we were the one who needed to be saved.

I looked at Hermione, Dumbledore was here along with my father, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick Igor Karkaroff and Madam Maximum. Me and Mione sat in the open chairs while the teachers stood around. "Do you guys know why your here?" Dumbledore said. I raise my hand. He nods at me,

"We are the ones who are going to be missed the most by-in my case- Harry. Cho for Cedric's girlfriend, Gabrielle fleur's little sister, and Hermione I don't know what she is to Krum." "Very good but it was hard for Cedric, you Miss. Lila have become very dear to Mr. Diggory but you are the thing Mr. Potter would miss the most." I nod smiling.

"What we are going to do is cast a spell so you will fall asleep, once you get in the water you will have gills so you can breath. We won't put you in until tomorrow but I have to cast the spell now. Don't worry you won't feel a thing. If your Champion can't save you don't worry I will bring you back up at the end." Dumbledore said. We all nod. First he does Gabrielle and she sinks in her chair.

Then Cho her head fall back, Hermione next and then he points the wand at me. "Can I be able to see the whole thing? Please?" I ask, "Ok but you will fall asleep now and when you get in the water you'll be able to see it." I smile, "Thank you." Dad comes over and kisses me on the forehead. "I'm surprised your up for it." I say to him.

"I wasn't at first but I trust Dumbledore." I nod I sit back in my chair I hear him say the spell and I fall asleep. When I wake up again I was getting ties by a mer person. He looked at me then moved. I saw lots of others looking at us. Then back in the seaweed o saw some Grindylows. I look up and it was totally dark.

A mer person came over to me, "Does Dumbledore know you can see and hear?" I nod, I take a deep breath and it felt weird. "I asked him to." I said back, "You may not speak to the Champions when they get here." "Ok." I say and then goes back to his spot again. I heard the horn blow loudly and I knew it started. I looked around and saw Hermione's hair above her, her hands were at her sides. She was next to me.

I heard some noise and I saw Harry coming. I smiled, he froze when he saw all of us. He came over and looked for something he got a rock, I rolled my eyes. I saw Cedric come over, he froze as he saw me. Harry was down at my feet trying to get the ropes off. I looked at Cedric and winked. He smiles and then looks at Harry.

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