Chapter 3

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It's been a month since my first day here at Hogwarts. Tomorrow is Halloween and I can't wait for the other schools to be here. Me and my friends gotten a lot closer. Me and Harry specifically. I definitely have a crush on him and I hope he asks me to the Yule Ball but he hasn't yet which makes me think if he doesn't like me back.

We've been hanging out a lot, and even sometimes we fell asleep in the common room. Hermione found us one time, then Fred and George found us and took a picture. I found it cute. Harry was laying down on the outside of the couch holding me while I was facing the back of the couch and he had his arm around my waist and I was using his other arm as a pillow and holding his hand.

Fred gave me one and gave Harry one but I don't know what he did with it. Mine is in a drawer near my bed on my nightstand. I am in the common room right now helping Harry and on with their homework while Hermione reads a book about something. After a while their essay's were ok so I just let them be.

I got out a book and started to read, I apparently got lost in the book because what felt like 5 minutes, I was in the common room with Harry next to me just thinking. I closed my book and sat it down. I curled into Harry and laid my head on his shoulder. I realized I've been doing this a lot and Harry's arm has automatically wraps around my waist.

"What are you thinking about Harry?" I ask quietly staring into the fire. "About the Tournament, I feel like something bad is gonna happen." He says I nod, "I feel it too." I knew about him and Voldemort in his first year. Then in second year he told me about Ginny and the Chamber of Secrets. The third year about his Godfather.

"Do you think it has something to do with Voldemort?" I ask him, I move my head and look into his eyes. "Yes. I have nightmares about a graveyard, I know he is there and I know that Death Eaters are their too." I nod, "Harry?" I ask after a minute. "Hmm?" "What if someone dies in this thing?" I ask him warily.

He looks back down. "I don't know. But it is dangerous Dumbledore told us." "I know but I feel like someone is gonna die." I say as a tear slips down my face slowly. He wipes it away and smiles a little. "Don't worry Lila, nothing is going to happen to us, or Hermione, or Ron, or Neville, any not even George and Fred." I nod.

I have gotten a lot closer to George and Fred, I like to help them prank sometimes. A few days ago we pranked Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts and made his cat, Mrs. Norris turn her fur pink. It was hilarious, thank God Fred and George knew all the passages and things, it was fun for sure though. I didn't realize I was smiling until Harry brought it up.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, "How me, Fred and George pranked Mr. filch and his cat. We made her hair turn pink." He chuckles shaking his head. He pulls me tighter to him and I blush. Thank god it was some what dark in here. We kept talking for hours until I finally fell asleep on him. When I woke up I was pushed off the couch.

I groaned and saw Fred and George doubled over laughing. "You guys are Arse's and Gits." I say standing up. Harry was trying to hide his smile too. I rolled my eyes and got up heading to my dorm. I take a shower then dress in my robes. I do my hair and makeup. I let my hair fall down in curls and my makeup was natural.

Hermione came in, "You look beautiful." She says smiling, I smile at her too. "I can do yours and not make it puffy?" She squeals and sits down, I laugh and start straightening her hair. Once I was done, her hair was silky and soft. No puffiness to it. I then do her makeup, just a little bit of blush, eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss.

She looks in the mirror and squeals loudly hugging me. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" I laugh and we head down to the common room. "Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the new and improved, but still stunning, Hermione Granger!" Harry, Ron the twins and a few others look over and I see Ron's eyes widen as they see Mione.

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