Chapter 9

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"Austin I need you to do something for me" The asshole asked me from across the table with his gun his hand do he actually think am going to do anything for him after he kill my fucking sister.


"What's that" I ask looking start into his Icy cold eyes

"I need you to kill this man his name is James Beckford" I away from do he really thing am going to kill a man for him he mad a sad mistake.

"He want to come out of the gang and I ask him to pay 1m and he refused to so I need you and some of the man to kill him" I look up at him with shocked in my eyes.

"And what will I gain from all this bullshit" I spat and get up from the chair. He got up from his seat and walk towards me with cold death glare and a gun at my throat.

"Speak to me like that again and I will end you and your precious mother" He spat and then walk back to his seat.

I stand there clenching my fingers until my knuckles where white. I serious need to end this man life and if he there touch my mom death meant him half way out. I walk through the door not dare took back. I walk outside jump into my car and went to my friends house which is Tyler.

If you don't know me and Tyler and Rondy come from a far way and I told them everything. So Ii went there and tell them what's going on and they told me that we need to save that man life.

Before we got there he was already in a car full of fire blazing out the window. I will never forgive that asshole for everything he has done.


 "Austin we need to get to the gang  and tell them to meet at our normal place" I look up at him and nodded my head.

" And text Rondy tell him to meet us at the new coffee shop at 5" I walk upstairs to get my phone. I hope Tiana his fine.


what the hell not that again

I feel like am falling for her and that can't be right

Falling for someone like me will not be good.

I was in Tyler car when all my mind was on is her.

"Austin he is here and we are here also" He walk out the car and follow and we did our bro thingy and walk into the café when I look I see her sitting there crying with her bestfriend comfort her. I wanted to go over but my legs won't let me.

Why is she crying?

It break my heart to see her cry

Arrrgh god what is wrong with me.

I see her look up and look at Rondy then she has a fear and confusion on her face. She whisper something to her friend and they both walk out the café. All I want to do is run after her but my feet won't let me to.

But why when she look at Rondy she has a fear mark in her eyes


"Austin" I look up and see both Rondy and Tyler looking at me worriedly.

"Anyways lets get back to what we will be doing" I took up my ice tea trying to ease the tension.

" What are we going to do because I feel like he is after her" When Tyler say that I feel my body get tense and I grip the cup.

"Austin what the hell man, what's wrong with you" I  see Rondy looking at me and I look dead in his eyes. Something is up and I need to find out.

"Nothing listen me we need to get her safe and as for Rondy am watching you" I look at him and he gave me a weird expression and place it with a laugh.

" Hahaha what is wrong with you man" He laugh and look at me. I got up and shook my head.

" This meeting is over and Tyler please tell the rest of the crew to keep an eye on Tiana" With that I walk out the cafe and into my car and drive home. All I need to see his her.


I sit in my bed thinking about Austin like why the hell is he with him after what I saw. When I was about to take up my phone I see a message from dumbass. The name just put a smile on my face.

Dumbass: Please open the window I need to talk to you

I look at the window then back at my phone 

Like should I just him after I saw him with that asshole today. Then I heard another message came in like he was reading my mind.

Dumbass: I won't hurt you princess. Just please I just need to talk to you about something important

I look at the window again his he serious calling me princess will help me to crawl to him.

Yes bisshh


Yes we both know

Well you can say that.

I went over the widow and pull it open I see him jump through it without waiting a little. When I look around he was so close to me his body was pressing up against me and then I was backed away from him when he still keep on coming closer to me. Then I notice my back was pressed against the wall. I look up and see his green eyes they are full of emotion which you can't get to understand. 

I could smell his scent which was apple berry perfume I always like to smell him. He place his head on the crook of my neck and by that can send me over the edge. I feel so weak so I hold unto his arm for support.

We just say there for a while until I feel him squeeze my waist not too tight though but I feel like he was thinking about something. I wonder what.

" You know I like smell you"  I hear his raspy voice vibrated on my neck and that  my friend my foot was just lost. He hold up his head and look into my eyes.

" You look tired" I look up on his green eyes and yes I do feel tired I feel him carry me in bridal style and put me on the bed and I was slowly drifted to sleep when I hear him say

"You look so beautiful" And with that I feel asleep.

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