Chapter 21

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" Tamera you need to spill the beans and let me ask you" I glare at her. She look so innocent and she is not, how could she keep does things from me.

"I don't know what you are talking about" She moved uncomfortable in her seat and her eyes never left the ground, So I sighed and walk over to where she was sitting.

"Tamara what were you doing with Rihanna in the bathroom?" I asked her. She lifted her head from of the ground and look at me with those green orbs.

"You will hate me Tiana, you are not going to want to be-"

" I won't hate you, all I want is the truth. Listen nothing you do and say is going to make me hate you, I just want to know what's going on that's all please" She hug me and I can tell she is fighting it so bad, but anything she is going through I will be there with her till the end.

"W-well Rihanna and I used to date in freshman year" I was so surprised I couldn't keep up and it is very strange, I never expect her to be that way but, who to judge.

" We were friends before all of this, her parents and her moved to our community, she used to live beside me, but, she have to moved because her father was abusive. So we became friends and started to get really closed. Until we were in physical ed we were in the shower and she kissed me, and that's how it all started" She look at me I just can't believe this, that's why she behave that way make everyone fear her, and that's why they were in the bathroom begging her. This is to much.

"Y-you hate me now I know you will" She blurted out with tears at her eyes. I won't hate nor judge her she is my bestfriend for Christ sake.

That's how low you think of me TAMERA.

"I don't hate you nor am going to judge you Tamer, but what I want to know is why you guys broke up?" She took a deep breath and sighed, her eyes was watery and I know she is going to cry any second now. Anything that happen between them must be painful.

" U-um we were at a party and when I was looking for her, someone tell me that she went up stairs. When I went up stairs I see her having fucking sex with a fucking dude" Sshe burts out in tears and I hug her.

Wow, I known Tamera over 4 years now and this is the first time I see her like this, and this is why she was never interesting in any boy, al when a boy is looking her she always blocked them out. She is my bestfriend and I will kill any one who hurt her or try to and if it have to be that bitch I will stanch her weave.

" Its going to be alright, and am going to make sure that bitch pay" My gripped tighten around her arms and she was wincing. All because am mad at that bitch for doing that to my bestfriend.

" Haha come on Tiana I won't let you do that, am alright" She lifted her head of my shoulder and started to laugh. 

Like that's not funny

she is so weird

haha that's why she's my bestfriend dahhh.

" What's so funny"  I arched my brows confused written all over my face.

" Y-ou ca-nt ev-en k-ill an-ts" She said between laugh, with her rolling on the ground.

" Oh please miss no with all" She stop laugh and look up at me with a now angry face.

" Oh yeah you want me to show you" She got up off the floor and head to then kitchen, I just stayed there hoping she will be back soon. So I decided to go inside the kitchen.


I was now on the ground cover with whipped cream. I am now a whipped cream monster I heard muffling sound when I look it was her laughing her ass off.

" I can't even get up because my butt hurts and you laughing" She was now on the ground for the second time laughing. I know I have to get her back one way or the other. I take my time and get up but I was a little startled because my butt hurt really bad.

Its pay back time bish!

" Come on bestfriend its just a little pay back for tell me that am miss-no-it-all" She continue laugh and run  around the house longing her tongue out.


"The fuck is wrong here!" Shouted Tamera brother, we stop run around the house and look at each other and immediately start to laugh, walk in the kitchen to see Jordan on the floor with a angry faced, we continue to laugh.

"You guys did this shit, the wrong with you guys!" He shouted once again and once again we started to laugh again.

" You guys are dead!" He got up from the ground and limped towards us and we run as far as we could.

After hours of running around the house we finally stop and take a break , while Jordon went out with his friends. So, it's just me and Tamera on the couch watching a movie. Today was amazing and it also help me to get away from my worries, and as for Tamera I don't her I just can't believe she keep this from me for so long.

" Tiana" I look down at her which was on the floor while I was on the couch.

" Yes" She look so innocent am so glad I met someone like her.

"Thank you very very much for not judging me" She got up from where she was sitting and hug me.

"Hey, your my bestfriend and I won't judge you because you are a lesbian, I love you more than anything else" She hug me even tighter, and am so glad am calling her my bestfriend

That's all that matter.

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