Chapter 17

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On our way to Physical class they both be talking how transformer is better that bumblebee. Like we really care though surely not me. When walk onto the court I see Austin with his bitchy girlfriend sucking each other face off. When I was started to like him is like he just don't get it.


I walk in a straight line to one of the benches and sit there alone not wanted to talking to anyone. All I ever wanted was for him to see me differently and then he make it worst to stole my first kiss. The only thing he wanted was to used me for my body nothing else.

Maybe he think am too easy


"Alright class lets begin shall we" Our couch came and stand in front us while everybody sit down on the bench.

"So today we will be playing football and I am going to pick the leaders so they can chose who will be on their team" We all sit there waiting on the teacher to say who the leaders are.

" Alright so Nick and Austin please you are the leaders please choose you team mates" My heart was trenched into my heart when I heard the two names called. So with that they both call out their team mates.

"So my team mates are Rihanna, Jordan, Becka, Mel, Tyler and Rondy" He look into my eyes and completely ignore me and act like I didn't exists.


After this asshole stole my first kiss, Make me feel fucking weak around him this fucking dick head choose to ignore me. I feel so dumb to let him have his way with  me all the time.

"So that's leave us with Tiana, Tamera, Raheem, Antonio, Reeks and Tasha" Nick called out and we move over to the other side of the court. I can feel Austin eyes on me like I care any game you chose to play am going to play it as well.

" Tiana you alright" I turn around to see Tamera by my side.

"Yes am fine" We walk and sit down on the bench discussing our plans.

"Alright guys here is what we will do so Tiana I need you to tackle the ball from anyone of those players and pasted it to Antonio and then he will kick the ball to Reeks, Reeks I need you to put on your game face we nee to win this" We did out hi5 and walk back to the field. We set up at our position waiting until team is ready.

"ALIGHT GUYS LET THE GAME BEGINS" Shouted our teacher. When Austin has the ball I try and tackle the ball from him but it was no used so I used some of the techniques my dad shows my to used. I acted like I give up and then when he look like he can score I ran and kick the ball to Antonio he was there with the ball joggling so he passed the ball to me again Austin was head on my heals so I did  a turn and and kick the ball directly between his legs and it was now at Antonio and he passed it to Reeks which score us 1 points. We jump for victory when we win.

"OMG Tiana I never know you could have play football" Nicks hug me and I gladly return it when I look over his shoulder it was Austin giving me the dangerous glares like I care.

We went into our different changing room to get ready to go home when I was tripped by Rihanna and I fell face flat on the cold hard ground.

" You think you can do what you do to impress him huh?" She look down at me with a angry face I didn't even want to think about impressing that asshole and here she is assuming wrong.

"Bitch listen to me real clear Austin is min and no one I mean no one is going to take him away from me" She kick my bags and scatter everything on the floor. Tears form at the back of my eyes ready to be poured out.

"RIHANNA STOP IT" I look up to see my bestfriend walking towards us with a pissed look on her face.

"B-but she want to-" Tamera stop her from talking. This is the first time I see fear in Rihanna eyes.

" Listen to me pick on someone your onw sized and Ii don't want to see you bulling her again am I clear" At this point Rihanna was left speechless and she just nodded with tears in her eyes and walk away with her minions by her side. 

That was strange

"Alright Tiana lets get your things and go home" My bestfriend help me back up my things and we walk to change our clothes. I never seen Rihanna that scared before like what's on my bestfriend to be feared I literally see nothing. Or maybe they had fight back in the days and Tamera beat her so she feared her up until now.

"Oh Tamera thank you for saving me back there" She look up from what she was doing and walk towards me and hug me.

"What are friends for, I will always be there for you no matter what" just stand there and hug each other so tight like we  don't want to let go. Tamera have been my bestfriend since I move to New York she has been the best thing that have happen to me. We actually met when I was getting bullied in freshman and she save me from not getting my head flushed inside the toilet. Until that day on we being bestfriend and no body can break it.

We walk outside and head into her red Toyota car and drive home. 

My mind is till on how did she do it make the great Rihanna Miley feared her. Its so puzzling but I will definitely asked her though.

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