Chapter 13

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"Is she alright" I heard a voice but I couldn't recognized it. The place was dark and I couldn't see anything, My eyes can not even open. The voices that I hear around me are so far asway.

"I should have known something like this will happen when I see how pale she was since morning" I was still struggling to get up and the voices I heard was getting a little bit closer.

I couldn't even remember what happen either. So I try the second time to open my eyes when I feel water dropping on my hands it feel like someone is crying.


Who ever you


I slowly open my eyes and then the rays of the sun was burning into my eyes. So quickly closed them back then I heard someone shouted from the near my saying

"Doctor Beckford she is awake" I can't believe this am at my mom hospital am so confused. I try open my eyes the second time and with that I see blue piercing eyes looking down at me and I know exactly who they are from is from my bestfriend. I try to get up and a sharp pain hit my head and I groaned in  pain.

"Oh my god sweetheart are you alright" I look up to see my mom grey eyes looking worried look at me. She look so cute and adorable. But that doesn't explain why am here though.

"M-o-m" I could barely talk because of the pain that was running through my head like they are playing Olympics. 

She took up the a Testa scope and check my heart beat and then look at me and then look at Nick and Tamera.

"I need to talk to my daughter alone please" They look over at me then walk out the door closing it behind them.

" What has gotten into you today" She paced back and forth the room with a worried look on her face. This not the first time this had happen.


12 years ago

I was in my room when I heard something smash on the floor I walk down stairs to see what had happen. When I look it was my dad smashing everything on the floor he look frustrated and angry when I look I see my mom on the floor there was no cuts or bruises on her but she was crying.

"WHY FUCK I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE" He continue smashing the plates on floor with my mom at the table scooping up her legs in her arm and just sit there crying. I couldn't do anything because I was so confused.

"I THOUGHT THAT WE COULD HAVE A FUCKING LIFE WITH A GOOD DAUGHTER BUT INSTEAD I HAVE A DAUGHTER WHICH HAVE A FUCKING NERVES PROBLEM" He put his pipe in his mouth and smoke and after that he walk up to my mom and sit on the floor with his hand brushed across his face.

He hug my mom and they both start to cry.

I stood there crying silently because I know something like this will happen I know he would hate me because I have a nerves problem but it's not my fault I was born with it. 

My parents didn't have enough money to pay for the bills and then treat my problem. It was hard on them and on me too. My mom is not working at the moment because she said her boss fired her because of something she didn't even explain. My father is the only person working at this moment he is working in a tire company which means he work all week and even weekends too he was hardly at home.

My bill cost only 98 thousand dollars and it is also pressuring my parents to actually get that kind of money to cure me from this disorder. I walk to my room silently and close the door slide down on the floor and sob silently.


"Mom I don't know what happen" I look even confused and when she stop pacing back and forth in the room she finally sit down on the chair beside me and sighed.

"Well Tamera told me that you weren't looking too good this morning, you were at your locker and you look a little pale like something was wrong with you but she couldn't tell, You were at geography class when you fainted in Nick hand" I look up at her and I was coming back to reality. 

I was in class when Nick came beside me asking me for a pencil when everything became black. I just don't know what came over me am just thinking about that too much  and I need to stop.

" Tiana is that has happen again" I look into her grey eyes full with emotion and I know what she is talking about but I just can't tell her because I know it will stress her too much and I don't intent on moving from this country again.

"Tiana" I have found out that I have zooned out a little. But I have to lie I can't tell her the truth. This going to be the first time am going to lie to my mother but I have to. to protect her I guess.

"Yes mom" I took the water from the stand beside me and drink it.

"You haven't answer my question" Her voice sound so calm and like her face was saying something other wise.

"No mom" I look away hoping she would just drop this conversation and yes she did.

"Alright the am going to ask your friends to come back inside" She walk out the room and headed to where she was going. I can't tell her anything I need to find out this myself this time I can't let this happen over and over again. 

From my father's death me and my mom have to be running from one country to a next and I have to be changing different schools and am tired of it. I need to put a end to this before it is too late.

"Tiana you are feeling fine now"  My bestfriend burst open the door and run into my arms earning a groan from me because the pain was still lingering in my head.

"Am alright now bestii don't worry" She hug me and step aside reveling Nick. he has on a jeans and a button up shirt looking handsome as ever with his smirked that look just like Austin.



"Hey how are you feeling now" He walk up to my bed and touch my harm I feel a sparkling feeling and I think I like it.

Really now not the time for this

"Am alright" Suddenly my mom come back into the  room and brought pills.

"Alright sweetie your friends will take you home but be careful" He gave me the pills and kiss me on the forehead and walk back outside.

I get ready and walk out with my clingy bestfriend into Nick's car.

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