Chapter 20

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"How is things going as planned" A tall brown man walk over the table and sit down, He light his cigar and puff two.

"Well your fucking asshole son have to mess everything up" The elderly man got up out his seat and stormed over to the boy.

"What do you mean, what do he do now" He shouted towards the younger boy. The younger boy flinch because his bosses toned.

"I am getting really closed to her and he decided to mess things up" The younger boy walk back and sit down on his seat, so did the elderly man. 

I can't let that boy mess up my plan, she need to die along with her mother, they must all die. After what her father did, after I lone him money to cure his daughter disorder he decided that he want to quit the gang, As if, He is the best man Ii have ever worked with and Ii can't sit back and watch everything go down the drain just like that.


I wake up to seven in the morning which is so weird. I went to the bathroom and take a quick bath and put n something simple because am not in the mood to put on something stressing. Went down stairs and look something to eat when I checked my phone my mom was calling me 13 times and texted 3 times, I totally forgot that my mom won't be here for one long week, I went over to the couch and sit down.

I texted her back and look a movie to watch when my mind turn and remember Tamera encounter in the bathroom with Rihanna, am still confused I don't why she didn't tell me. 

Damn I should have known because she is my bestfriend and she shouldn't hide anything from one another, but I am hiding something  from her as well, So, I guess am not better than her anyways. But I need to knw what's going on. I got up from the couch and walk over to the door where I came contact with a strong muscular chest.

"Ow, what the fuck-"  

"It's me Tiana, and where are you going?" He stood at the door looking as a god as ever but Austin look far better than him.

"U-um I was just going somewhere, what are you doing here anyways" I look up in his green eyes waiting for his answer, he arch his brow in confusion.

"Well sweet cake we have a project to complete" I that shift me back to reality and I run my hands over my face n frustration, I totally forgot all about the project. I let him inside the house and he look around the house like someone who has lost there way to a flower store.

"Wow your house is so beautiful" I walk to the kitchen and took up a apple from the island and eat it then sit on the couch, still watching Nick roaming my house like a pry and its so creepy.

"Ehhm we got work to do" I started to get bored and I really have something important to do at this very moment.

"Who is this man in the picture?" He asked and I got up to look at the picture where we at the park, that was the last day I see my dad.

" Well that's my dad" I sighed and tears where building up at my eyes and I just blink them away.

"Oh am sorry to asked" He hug me and I warm into his hug. I just miss him because right now he will know how to make me feel better and he will always give me ice-cream to make me forget about the cares of this world.

"C-can we just start the project" I shocked out because don't want to get all emotional right now. So, we went to living room and sit down one the couch.

"Alright so here is what we will be doing I will be taking the volcano and you take the metrics, we have a deal" He look at me then he nodded his head. After a hour and a half sitting around and talk about our project. He told me he has to go and with that he left.

I stand and have my mind well ready to go see my bestfriend. So I walk to street, she don't live that far away from me its like 5 houses to get there.

When I reach to her gate I walk in and ring the door bell. Her house is bigger than mine because her parents have a lot of money and that's make her so popular at Sea wood High. Her mother is a business woman who travel all over the world also her dad, they even have time to spend with their daughter.

"Oh is not the little miss attitude" I look up to see Tamera big brother having no shirt on, So I quickly turn away not wanted to see what he actually have on, which would be great anyways.

"Oh come on now please don't tell me you haven't seen a handsome man fall from heaven looking so-"

"Leave her alone Jordan" I heard my bestfriend say beside him.

"You can turn around now Tiana, my dickhead of a brother he was just leaving" I heard him chucked and walk away

"She we still be looking at this body all day" He shouted while walking upstairs.

As if

"Oh hi Tiana" She smile nervously, I just look at her confused like why are you so nervous, But, never the less I walk inside and took a seat on the couch. This not the first time am coming her house so it's pretty much the same, only thing change is the painting which is naïve blue and it look good and the pictures of her and her and her family was still hanging on the wall. This seems like yesterday when I came here.

"Tiana what do you want to drink?" Asked my bestfriend, wow, something to drink.

"Nothing I just came here to talk to you about something" I glare at her and she fidget in her seat like bish I know when you are nervous.

And am not leaving until I hear what I came here for. The awkward tension was in the room and she just sit there looking like miss innocent. She will be spilling the beans right here and now.

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