Chapter 14

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Life is so unfair you never know when your going to have go through difficulties. And so tired of all of this I just wish my father would just save up the money he had and just pay whatever he have or just let me live with it then all of this won't happen. All of this happen just because of me and I am to be blame for it. 

I never wanted this life but instead I have it and I can't do anything about it. I hate myself why do I have to born with such and illness to suffer everything and then my mom and I have to run from towns to towns and country to country because of my father mistake. My mother never know anything about him dealing with some bad bad people only I did because I saw the text messages that day.

"TIANA WAKE UP PLEASE" I slowly open my eyes when I see a worried Tamera over my head. She has black lining over her eyes it seems like she hasn't slept since two weeks ago. She look worried when I look around I noticed that I was in my in my room in my bed.

"What happen" I sit up and took the water which was on the bedside table.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT, PLEASE TELL ME YOUR ALRIGHT!" The water I was drinking spill everywhere on me and I look at her annoyed. While she was there ranting and looking worried I was here wondering what happen to her.

"STOP DO THAT AM ALRIGHT" She sit down on her chair next to me and hold her head down. Am so confused why is everybody worried about me for.


I don't what wrong with everybody. They are treating me like a child and I don't like it.

"What happen" I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a bathe because she actually spill all the water on my bed and my clothes.

When I was finish and walk back into the bedroom to see Tamera pacing back and forth in the room. What's wrong with everybody from yesterday. I walk to my closet dress in something comfy and walk back to my bed. I sit down and sighed.

" Tamera what is going on" She look at me and sit beside me.

" IwassoworiedIdon'tevenknowwhattod-" I stop because I can't hear one thing she was saying all this while. When she is scared and worried that's when she talk so fast you can't even understand.

" Please Tamera calm down and tell what you just said a while ago" She took a deep breathe and and start again.

"I was so worried I didn't know what to do Nick has you in bridal style when I was going to your class room to wait on you, He told me that he was just asking you for something and the next think he know you fainted in his arms so we called your mom and we rush you to your mom work place that's how it all happen" I hold down my head and I remember exactly what happen. Before I could say anything else say spoke again.

"And something else happen" I look at her confused.

"Y-ou where s-hakin-g a-whil-e a-go" She hug me and I respond to the hug and but of us sit there in silence and all am be thinking about is when this would stop.

"Hey I got some-" I look up to see Nick with boxes in his hand and I run over him and took  the box and start dig in my food because I was starving. 

"Tiana please take time" I heard my bestfriend and Nick laughing but that didn't give me anything to stop Ii continue stuffing my food without even looking at them laughing at me.

I see Nick walk over the room and look at my shows on the shelf.

"You really watch these" He walk back and sit down with a weird face.

"HEY WATCH IT" He started to laugh. How dare he Anime are the best cartoon ever. 

"Hey don't get all angry now" He pouted with his baby face he look just like Austin when he was being defective.

I haven't seen him from the incident when he hurt my feelings

Like what the fuck what do I ever did to him for him to treat me like that


We all sit down the on my bed and watch the cartoon when Nick got a phone call and told us he have to go. Which was very strange but he seems like a nice person I don't think he would hurt me and am really confused right now.

"Hey Tiana you want to go get coffee" I sighed and got up off the bed.

"Yes sure" She walk to the door.

"Alright meet at the car" She walk through the door.

Tamera have being my bestfriend since I moved here and she has been the nicest friend I could ever ask for. She hasn't know anything about my dad and how many things my mom and I go through because I don't want to get her in this mess. Its better she stay without knowing anything.

I walk downstairs and into her car. We drive to the café while singing Lay your head on my pillow the loud music booming through the car. we drive into the parking lot where we see Austin.  He look pale and dark circles cover under his eyes look like he hasn't slept for days. He look weird in his sweatpants and a sweat shirt. He was with Tyler.

I quickly walk inside the café without sparing a glance over to him. With Tamera head on my heels. I don't want to look at him am not interesting to deal with him at this moment.

"TIANA STOP" I heard him shouting and I didn't look or turn around. So I walk into the girls bathroom because he won't dare came in he-


"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" He sound like some one who want to stab you with his sharp words.

 I miss his voice so much.

"Just leave me alone" He didn't seems to take but instead he walk closer to me.

What the hell am going to do now.

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