Chapter VII: "Meet Class 1-A; Part 1"

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The Next Day....

Kia wakes up, he yawns and gets off the bed, does his morning routine; taking a shower, feeding his pet goldfishes, cooking and eating his own breakfast, and last but not least, chatting with one of his family members.

As he was done with his routine, he sat down on the couch, and checked his phone to see any news. There was nothing, so it means he can rest.

Kia: "Well, since it's Saturday, hold on, do i still have enough food?" he walks to the kitchen, and opens his refrigerator, sees that it's a bit empty. "U-Uhmm, alright, i guess i have to buy some food then."

He changes, wearing a black hoodie, and brings an umbrella incase if it rains. He leaves his apartment and walks out to the nearest supermarket.

While Kia is walking to the market, some of Class 1-A are out too, walking and buying some food as well.

Midoriya: "U-Uraraka? If I may ask."

Uraraka: "Sure, Deku. What is it?" she looks at him

Midoriya: "I-Is is okay i-if i... ask you to..." he's blushing slowly, covering half of his face "g-go out with me?"

Uraraka: eyes widen, turns red "S-Sure! I-i would love to!"

Mina: "You go girl~!" she jumps behind Uraraka

Tsuyu: "Yeah, nice one, Ochako" ribbit

Jirou: "Cute..." she chuckles

Bakugou: "Gross..."

Iida: "Alright, Class 1-A. We have arrived!" he says it while chopping his hands up

They all arrived at the market, Kia arrived as well. He saw the class again.

Kia's mind: "W-Wait, are those... the students from yesterday?" as he saw them, he started buying what he needed.

While all the students are buying what they need, Kia comes across one of the girls, Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu: "Ok, so which one..." while she's picking up a pack of teas, she accidently hits and drops one "Oh no!-"

Kia: ""Woah!" He catches it with his tendrils "T-That was a close one" lifts it up towards her

Yaoyorozu: "Oh y-yes indeed. Sorry about that." she picks it up, and puts it on her basket

Kia: "It's okay. I sometimes do that when i have to catch something" he chuckles, and as he looks at her, blushes

Kia sees Yaoyorozu wearing this outfit, he blushed and smiled a little

Kia sees Yaoyorozu wearing this outfit, he blushed and smiled a little

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Yaoyorozu: "Oh! Well Thank you for that, mr..."

Kia: he snaps back a bit "O-Oh! It's Ongaku, Kia Ongaku, ms..." he smiles

Yaoyorozu: "Its Momo Yaoyorozu, it's nice to meet you, Ongaku" she smiles too, and blushes a lil

Kia: "Oh well, it's nice to meet you too, Yaoyorozu" he smiles, blushes a lil

They had a little talk for a while, Uraraka and the other girls we're trying to find Yaoyorozu. They eventually find her, but they quickly hide, seeing Yaoyorozu talking to Ongaku.

Yaoyorozu: "Well, i gotta go now, it's been nice meeting you, Ongaku..." she smiles and picks up her basket

Kia: "Oh alright, well, see ya later!" he waves, while Yaoyorozu starts walking away

Yaoyorozu: "Byee~!" she waves back, as she turns left, the girls pull her and they squeal and a bit of yelling. "H-Huh?!"

Kia: he smiles and starts walking away too, going to the cereal aisle

Ashido: "Who was that, Yaomomo~?" she smirks, and giggles

Uraraka: "Is it a friend?"

Yaoyorozu: "W-Well, h-he's just someone who's... nice and... you know..." she blushes a bit more

Jirou: "Oooh~ looks like someone has a crush~" she giggles

All the girls were laughing, giggling. Yaoyorozu blushes more, covering her face.

All the students were done buying, they were still at the counter but Kia bought what he needed.

He looks back at Yaoyorozu, she's helping the other girls, she looks at him and smiles, does a little wave. Kia smiles too and waves as well, and starts walking back home.

Ashido: "Aww~ your crush has left~" she giggles, and Yaoyorozu smacks Ashido on the head softly

Yaoyorozu: "H-Hmph~!" she blushes still, and continues packing the food they needed

A Few minutes later, Kia arrived back home and placed the food and some cans on the fridge and kitchen cabinets. He thinks about Yaoyorozu, smiles and blushes

Kia's mind: "W-Why am feeling like this? D-did something happen to me? W-was it... back at the market? D-Do i... like that Yaoyorozu girl?"

{ To Be Continued... }

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