Chapter X: "Date; Part 1"

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{ Recap }

Kia: His phone rang and he answered it "Hello?" yawns softly

???: "H-Hello? Is this... Kia Ongaku?"

Kia: "Uhm Yes, who is this?"

???: "Its Yaoyorozu!"

{ Present }

Kia: "Oh! H-Hi, Yaoyorozu!" he smiles and starting to get a bit nervous

Yaoyorozu: "S-Sorry if i called at a wrong time..." she giggles

Kia: "Oh No, No, No! It's fine! I'm not doing anything" smiles and rolls on the bed, facing the ceiling

Yaoyorozu: "Oh! Soo h-how are you?" she smiles, while she lays down on her stomach on the bed

Kia: "I'm doing fine, Yaoyorozu.' he smiles

Then they have a not-so-long conversation on the phone for about an hour. Kia tells a little bit of himself and stories while Yaoyorozu tells about what she does and stories too. At first, they were nervous but as minutes goes by, they're not anymore.

Kia: nervous to ask this "Soo Yaoyorozu, are you free on the weekends?"

Yaoyorozu: "Mhm! W-Why?" as she thinks, she thinks that he's gonna ask him out, blushes slowly

Kia: "D-Do you maybe wanna... go out... with me?" said nervously, and closes eyes

Yaoyorozu: "O-Oh! Of course" she squeals a lil, and giggles "W-When?"

Kia: "Hmm... maybe tomorrow afternoon? at the park near U.A?" said then gulps

Yaoyorozu: "Sure!" she smiles and gets up on the bed

Kia: "Alright! Well, s-see you then" he smiles, puts his phone down

Yaoyorozu: "S-See you too!" she smiles, and ends the call

Kia: "W-Wow... i just-" said blushing, and

Yaoyorozu: "got asked out~!" she giggles, and lies down on the bed

A few hours later. At Night, Kia is picking some clothes that would be nice for his 'date'. Same as well for Yaoyorozu, picking some dresses and getting help from her friends. They were both nervous and excited at the same time. Uraraka and Midoriya are gonna have a date as well tomorrow, in the afternoon.

Kia: "A-Alright, u-umm w-which one should i pick?" as he looks at some clothes, his phone buzzes "Hm?"

He checks his phone to see the news, it's about another villain attack near a jewelry store. He sighs

Kia: "Well, guess this is gonna have to wait then" he chuckles, and puts on his costume and glides there.

Near the jewelry store, Cops are behind their vehicles, firing at the two villains. First is a villain that has fingers shooting bullets at the cops, and the known Villain, Swordkil, the one in the I-Island Incident.

 First is a villain that has fingers shooting bullets at the cops, and the known Villain, Swordkil, the one in the I-Island Incident

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Finger Guns: "Stay back! I-Im not going back to prison, never!" keeps shooting at the cops

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Finger Guns: "Stay back! I-Im not going back to prison, never!" keeps shooting at the cops

Swordkil: "I-I got the jewels! Let's go!"

Finger Guns: "We can't! There are alot of cops!" said keeps firing, Swordkil looks up to see someone's silhouette

Swordkil: "What the-"

Bloodshot: "Surprise..." he smirks and quickly cuts Swordkil's sword arms with his Blade

Swordkil: "Raghh!!" he swipes and lunges at him, Bloodshot blocks his attack

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Swordkil: "Raghh!!" he swipes and lunges at him, Bloodshot blocks his attack

Bloodshot: "Ughh!" quickly pushes Swordkil and knocks him down, unconscious

Finger Guns: "W-What the?!" as he turned around, he fire at Bloodshot

Bloodshot: "Woah!" he leaps towards Finger Guns, and spin kicks him

Finger Guns: "Agh!!" fell to the ground, unconscious too

Bloodshot: "Y-You're under arrest..." ties up FG and Swordkil

After that, Bloodshot handed FG and Swordkil to the cops before the Pro's arrived. Bloodshot jumps up and glides away.

As he got back home, changes back to his casual and went back to picking some clothes and as he was done picking one, he went to bed early.

Back in the U.A, Class 1-A we're watching news, and found out about the incident back at the Jewelry store.

Mineta: "G-Guys, look!" points at the TV

Kaminari: "W-Wait, i-isn't that the villain from the USJ??" he pointed at Finger Guns, getting arrested and put inside the SWAT Truck.

Kirishima: "I-It is him, he escaped?"

Iida: "Looks like it. But it looks like he's not alone"

Midoriya: "I-It looks like the villain i fought back in I-Island"

Kirishima: "Really?? How did you know??"

Midoriya: "I-It was during the I-Island incident, still remember that guys?"

Todoroki: "Mhm..." said then nods

Kirishima: "Yeah!"

Bakugou: "Of course we do, stupid Deku.." said mumbling

All the other boys agreed except Tokoyami, Shoji, Sero and Koda. Back to Kia, he picked one, and hung it up nicely and went to bed.

Back at U.A, it's the same thing for the students. Yaoyorozu picked her outfit to wear for tomorrow and went to bed.

{ To Be Continued... }

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