Chapter VIII: "Meet Class 1-A; Part 2"

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{ Recap }

A Few minutes later, Kia arrived back home and placed the food and some cans on the fridge and kitchen cabinets. He thinks about Yaoyorozu, smiles and blushes

Kia's mind: "W-Why am feeling like this? D-did something happen to me? W-was it... back at the market? D-Do i... like that Yaoyorozu girl?"

{ Present }

A few minutes earlier, Kia is at home while Class 1-A are just walking back to their dorms.

The girls are teasing Yaoyorozu for talking to Kia earlier.

Jirou: "Come on, Yaomomo. Admit it, that you like him~" she smirks and punches Yaoyorozu on the arm softly

Yaoyorozu: blushes and pouts a lil, looks away still.

Ashido: she giggles and smiles

Tsuyu: "So~ when are you and Kia are gonna go out?" he giggles too

Yaoyorozu: "T-Tsu~!" she blushes more, starts walking a bit fast

Ashido: "Hehehe~ cute~"

Uraraka: "So Deku, did you get what you needed?"

Midoriya: "M-Mhm!" smiles "What about you, Uraraka?"

Uraraka: "Yep! And i got some Mochis for you~!" she smiles, blushes a lil, and takes one out and gives it to Deku

Midoriya: blushes "A-Awww, Uraraka. You don't have to but thanks!" smiles and starts eating his mochi

Back to Kia, he's checking on his phone for some news or messages. He got a bit bored, he thinks of Yaoyorozu, smiles and blushes

Kia's mind: he sighs and remembers something back at the supermarket

{ Flashback... }

Kia: "so uhm... is it okay if i ask this?" a bit nervous, blushes

Yaoyorozu: "Sure! What is it?" she looks at him and smiles

Kia: "I-Is it okay if i... ask to have your... phone number..?" blushes and looks away a lil

Yaoyorozu: "O-Oh! Sure!" she smiles and opens her hand, she creates a pen and a piece of paper

Kia: "Whoa, is that your quirk?" shocked

Yaoyorozu: "Mhm! I can create any non-objects." she smiles and starts writing her number

Kia: "Oh cool!" smiles and as she was done writing her number, he wrote his number too, gives it to her

{ Back to the Present }

He smiles and gets his phone, and typing the number of Yaoyorozu on his phone.

Kia: "A-Alright, should i call her? M-maybe later... o-or t-today! B-But w-what if she doesn't' wanna answer..." he mumbles a bit more, and quickly calms down after

Back at U.A

Yaoyorozu back at the dorms, helping the others place the supplies in the kitchen cabinets.

Midoriya: "Woah, I didn't know we bought a lot!" he chuckles and keeps placing the supplies inside

Iida: "Well, you gotta stay healthy and stay fit as well!" he smiles and almost done

Kirishima: "It looks like there isn't still any news about the new hero..."

Ashido: "Yeah! His quirk looks cool and... a bit interesting too!"

Bakugou: "Ehh?! Mines cooler, racoon eyes!!"

Jirou: "Oh yeah, where is Yao-momo?"

Tsuyu: "I think she's in her room, alone" ribbit

Ashido: "Oooh~! I bet she's talking to her crush right now~" she giggles and smiles a lot

While the other 1-A students are in the common room, Yaoyorozu is in her room, alone and scrolling on her phone, thinking if she should call Kia.

Back to Kia, he's outside, wearing his Bloodshot costume, jumping from building to building.

Bloodshot's mind: "Hmmm... the city looks so... beautiful and... calming..." he sighs and sits on the edge of a building, yawns

Eventually, someone drop down behind him, he heard the loud thud, turns around and quickly gets up, stances

Bloodshot: "H-Huh?!" shocked to see that face again

???: "Well, well, well... it's nice to see you again... Kia..." he smirks and chuckles

Bloodshot: "I-It can't be..."

???: "Now, let's have a little chat

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???: "Now, let's have a little chat..."

{ To Be Continued.... }

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