Chapter XVIII: "New Life"

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He woke up and did a lil of his morning routine. He checked his phone and on the news, it says;

Breaking News; Vigilante Bloodshot; Dead

After the clash near U.A, Bloodshot was caught driving a boat to the ocean, while carrying a bomb. After a few seconds, it exploded. The body of Bloodshot was never found, but it only found its mask, damaged.

All the students were there, witnessing the explosion. In other news, The LoV was arrested after the clash. They're now in Tartarus prison.

And that was all. Bloodshot sighed and put his phone down. Goes outside, wearing a hoodie still, and wears a hat.

As he starts walking to buy some food again, he sees news again about the explosion

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As he starts walking to buy some food again, he sees news again about the explosion. He ignores it.

As he got to a nearby grocery store, he saw Midoriya and his classmates, going inside the same grocery store. He instead went in, looking down, covering his face.

He quickly gets what he needs, some drinks and canned foods. As he walks out, he accidentally bumps into Yaoyorozu.

Kia: "O-Oh, sorry, Ms." He said while picking up her bag "I didn't see you-"

As he looked up at her, still had his hat down. Yaoyorozu's nose is a bit red, sniffling and teary, she is still sad.

Yaoyorozu: "I-It's o-okay, mr..." she wipes her tears, starts walking inside the store too

Kia: He smiled a little, and started walking back home, carrying the groceries.

As he gets back home, he starts eating the canned food, while thinking about Yaoyorozu and the other people like him and Alex.

A Few Hours later...

In his apartment balcony, he's looking out the window, thinking about Yaoyorozu again.

Kia: "Well, Momo... I don't know when i can meet you again..." said while drinking his tea

Back at U.A., 1-A are having dinner together in the dining area. They're eating, but Yaoyorozu is not, still sad.

Jirou: she sighed and hugs her again "Y-Yaomomo?"

Yaoyorozu: "I-I don't know w-what to d-do..." she said while hugging Jirou back, slowly tearing up again

Back again to Kia....

He's sitting down on his bed, scrolling on some news about Bloodshot's death. He chuckled a lil

Kia: "Heh, I never knew i could survive that...." he said then slowly fell asleep again, snoring softly.

{ The Next Day... }

He wakes up, grunting and stretching, yawns a lil, and goes out again, wearing a hoodie again, and a hat.

As he was walking, he saw Yaoyorozu again, still a bit sad, with her friend, Kendo and Ms. Uwabami. He sighs and keeps walking, until a little boy starts running to the street, trying to get his ball.

Kid: "I got it!" he yelled when he got the ball.

The kid doesn't realize that a truck is about to hit him. Kia doesn't hesitate, starts running to the kid and as he covers him, Kia quickly makes a shield. Blocking the car.

 Blocking the car

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Kia: "Woah..." he then looks at the kid "A-Are you okay, kid?"

Kid: "Uhh... U-Uh-Huh..." he answered while running to his parents

Kia: "That..." while getting up "was a close one..." he said while his arm is returning back to normal

As he sighs, everyone is looking at him. Even Ms Uwabami, Kendo and Yaoyorozu. Kia looks at Yaoyorozu for a second, Yaoyorozu's eyes widen, thinking it's Kia because of his quirk.

Yaoyorozu: "...."

Kia: "U-Uhh..." he starts running away

Yaoyorozu looks down, thinks it may not be Kia, and they go back to patrolling. Back to Kia, who kept running all the way back home.

As he got back home, he sighed and laid down on the couch, checking his phone again. There was nothing, and took a nap there.

{ To Be Continued... }

My Hero Academia; New Mercer (OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now