12 | Tadashi's Invention

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Blueprints? Check.

Speech Cards? Check.

Med-kit? Check.

Keychains? Check.

Balloons? Check.

Design? Check...?


Tadashi's breath hitched when he realized the design of his invention was missing from his desk.

Where did it go? He had it hanging from his chair just a moment ago. Did it fall under his bed?

Crouching down on his hands and knees, Tadashi peeked under his bed with a flashlight only to see nothing but dust bunnies and storage boxes. Sitting back up, he walked to the other side of his bed to check only to find nothing. He walked back to his desk where all his items were sprawled out and began searching around the area. It wasn't until he heard his younger brother speak about his invention when he found it.

"So THIS... is your invention? A red backpack with a med-kit inside?" Hiro asked, looking over his shoulder, confusion clear on his face, towards the red backpack, he was wearing, with a white emoji painted on it. He was standing near the entrance of Tadashi's side of the room, which was separated by a folding screen, modeling the missing design Tadashi was just looking for.

"Give me that will you?" Tadashi sighed, holding out his hand. Hiro took off the backpack and handed it back to Tadashi with a smug smirk.

"I hate to break it to you bro, but a backpack with a med-kit inside isn't really an invention." Hiro stated matter-of-factly while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"I know that. This is just to help show everyone what I'm trying to create." He answered. "That and I couldn't 3D print my design in time." He explained, placing everything he needed into it for the showcase tomorrow.

"Oh right, it's tomorrow isn't it? It's for... what was it again? Ah! A room right?" Hiro questioned with interest.

"Yeah, which is why I would appreciate it if you didn't give me a heart attack by moving my stuff." Tadashi heaved a sigh, hopping onto his bed. He was already changed into his pajamas and was prepared to go to sleep early so he can be extra prepared for tomorrow.

"Woah! Why are you so stressed? It's just a room. Why do you want it so badly anyway?" Hiro questioned, squinting his eyes at his brother suspiciously.

"Hmm..." he hummed in thought. Of course he wanted it so he could bring his vision to life but... there was a certain person he really wanted to be lab buddies with. "I just think having a room all to myself would be cool. The community lab can get crowded at times."

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