9 | Casa de Fred

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"(Y/n) may I speak with you?" Professor Callaghan said, placing a hand gently on your shoulder.

"Yeah sure, I'll see you later Tadashi." you waved to him before leaving with Callaghan.

"See you." Tadashi said sadly watching you leave. He'll get to talk with you properly one of these days, hopefully.

You said goodbye to Tadashi before walking with Professor Callaghan off to the side, away from the firefighters and police officers surrounding the steps that lead to the burning building. He led you towards the bridge over the pond filled with koi fish. The two of you stood in the middle of the bridge, him leaning against the railing and staring into the pond. You followed his lead also leaning onto the railing. You both simply stood there watching the fish while glancing up, occasionally, at the building seeing the flames simmer down until all that was left was ashes and smoke filling the air.

Professor Callaghan sighed at the scene sadly as you looked over at him sympathetically. No doubt was he mulling over the possible disaster that befell the lab and one of his students who happened to be your lab neighbor. It wasn't until you saw a surprised look cross his face when he broke the silence.

"(Y/n), forgive me. I forgot to ask but are you okay? Do you need to see the paramedics?" he looked at you in worry.

"No no I'm perfectly fine." you eased his nerves. "If anything Tadashi was the one who took the damage for me." you stared at your hands bashfully thinking about Tadashi.

"I'm glad you and Tadashi are okay. And thankfully so is Benjamin Stuart, although he is in pretty bad shape but it could have been worse if it weren't for you." he thanked you. However, you were confused and Professor Callaghan noticed your puzzled face.

"Benjamin who?" you asked.

"Benjamin Stuart, he was the student you saved. His lab was right next to yours." he answered sympathetically knowing you were still getting used to University life.

"Oh right. I guess I forgot to introduce myself." you rubbed your arm in embarrassment, a nervous tick you picked up from those times Officer Gerson would catch you "breaking the law".

"I see you've been putting your attention on your work which I appreciate but it wouldn't hurt to go out and make some connections and build friendships." he said shrugging his shoulders sympathetically at your guilty form.

"Surely my brother was the same as me though, right?" you jokingly asked but the look he gave would tell you otherwise.

"He was quite the opposite. He was known as the partier. Always going to parties and clubs yet he still managed to keep a 4.0 gpa and take care of you." he chuckled remembering having your brother in his class.

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