6 | Meet Tadashi

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Tadashi sat in his seat and watched as Fred walked to your table with confidence.

You had just stood up to head back to your lab/room to finish loading your program since the connection in the café wasn't the best. That was when Fred showed up before you could leave.

Fred slung an arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner, pushing you back down in your seat. He took one of your chicken tenders and shoved it into your open mouth when you were about to argue with him.

You bit off a piece of the chicken and took it out of your mouth placing it back onto your tray. You quickly chewed the piece and swallowed to question him but he shushed you once again by placing his finger over your pouting lips. He made an 'uh uh' sound and told you to continue eating. He was about to shove another chicken tender into your mouth but you slapped his hand away with an annoyed expression causing the piece of chicken to fall out of his hand. It would have hit the ground if Fred hadn't dive bombed for it.

"Ah ha ha ha. Caught it." Fred laughed on the floor, not caring that he belly flopped for a chicken tender. He stood back up and brought the chicken towards your mouth again but you weren't having any of that.

"Fred. No." you deadpanned.

"What? It didn't hit the floor!" he outstretched his hand out for you to take it but you closed his fingers back around the chicken and pushed his hand back.

"I know," you said, speaking to him like a parent would to a child. "...but seeing how you caught it, you definitely earned it." you patted his hand.

"(Y/nnnnnnnnnn), you know you need to eat! You love Consuela's chicken tenders!" he pouted like a kitten caught in the rain. You really couldn't say no so you had to compromise to appease him.

"You're right! But I also don't like eating alone. Now that you're here you'll eat with me right?" you asked sitting back down and patting the seat next to you.

He grinned happily at you and began to share the plate of food with you. You didn't want to admit it directly to Fred, but you didn't want to eat that tender after he held it like that.

Fred waved his fist in the air still holding the chicken yelling at his friends about how he caught it. You looked over at them and saw Wasabi visibly cringe at the way Fred was holding it, the way he was gritting his teeth and curling his fingers disgusted by Fred's lack of table manners but was used to it. Gogo rolled her eyes and Honey Lemon smiled sweetly, shaking her head. There was someone else at the table who was clearly confused by Fred's actions, someone you've never seen before. Or have you?

After showing the others his prize, he began eating the plate of food with you, making sure to leave a enough for you to eat. The moment reminded you of the time you shared a plate of nachos with him when you met the others. That was one of the few times you were happily enjoying yourself without your brother. Spending time and meeting all of them and getting to know a piece of all of their personalities and odd quirks, not that you don't have any of your own. You fit perfectly into their little group and they all accepted you with open arms. But lately, you haven't been hanging out with them.

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