1. New Kid On The Block

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IT WAS THE LAST DAY OF SUMMER IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA AND TOMORROW WOULD BE THE START OF A NEW SCHOOL YEAR AT WEST VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL. Nearly every high schooler was out and about trying to savor their last day of summer. Well, Bethany Lawrence just needed to get out of the house. She had got into another argument with her step-dad and her brother was out hanging with his friends so he wasn't around to defend her.

As soon as her step-father was done criticizing her, she was immediately out of the house, driving by her friend's houses, picking up Ali Mills first to go to the beach. Ali could feel the annoyance radiating off of Bethany and tried to get her to open up but the girl just brushed it aside since she wanted to enjoy her last day of fun before her senior year began tomorrow.

She got to the beach, immediately lying back in her bathing suit on her towel, wearing her sunglasses to get a good tan. Her mind began to wander aimlessly and spoke to Ali, "Johnny has been asking about you non-stop."

Ali huffed. "I thought we were supposed to be having a good last day, not talk about my ex who is also your brother."

Bethany shrugged. "Well, he's annoying me, can you at least talk to him?"

"I really don't want to talk to him at all," Ali replied. "You know I guarantee he's hanging out with his Cobra Kai buddies again." She had a bitter tone.

"He is," Bethany answered with a sigh.

"Not surprised."

Johnny and Ali broke up on Ali's birthday since he got so drunk with his friends, he completely forgot about Ali's birthday even when Bethany constantly reminded him prior that he needed to show up. Bethany was there, Johnny wasn't which led to Ali and Johnny having an argument and she dumped him.

"I'm sorry he missed your birthday," Bethany told Ali, glancing at her.

Ali sighed. "I'm over it. I'm just glad at least one Lawrence showed up."

Bethany smiled. "And got you a gift." She eyed the bracelet on Ali's wrist.

"Which is my favorite gift so thank you," Ali said with a laugh.

Bethany nodded as Susan beside Ali called out, "Incoming soccer boys."

Bethany sat up, looking at the group of boys, watching Freddy Fernandez and his friends kick the ball over closeby. She knew all the boys except one. If she had to guess, he was either new or visiting.

As the group got closer, still trying to focus on kicking the ball, the boy looked up, his eyes meeting Bethany's, he stopped focusing on the ball, looking at her. She was absolutely beautiful and it stunned him for a moment, forgetting the soccer game that moved a bit away from the girls.

Bethany removed her sunglasses, looking at him with a smile. Since he was closer and not chasing the soccer ball, she got a better look at him. He was tan, had jet black hair and nice brown eyes that reminded her of hot chocolate. She had to admit he was pretty cute.

He returned her smile as the group of boys came back over, kicking the soccer ball accidentally at the girls. Bethany turned her head in time to catch the ball before it could hit her.

Freddy and his friends called to her to toss the ball back to them but she glanced at the new boy, tossing the soccer ball to him to which he kicked it up, juggling it with his knee and thighs, purposely showing off.

She giggled when she heard one of the boys mumble 'show off' before Freddy kicked the ball away, running after it down the beach as Ali and the girls with her got up to go for a swim.

The boy glanced that way towards the ball as Alli called out, "Beth, come on."

Bethany stood up, beginning to walk over as the boy looked back at her. "Nice moves, newbie," she complimented him, still smiling.

"Sorry," he told her, referring to the soccer ball nearly hitting her.

"Not your fault," she laughed. "Later."

She began to walk towards the water and her friends as the boy ran back to continue playing soccer.

"Potential boyfriend?" Susan asked Bethany.

Bethany laughed. "I said less than 10 words to him so no. But he is really cute."

"About time," Barbra added.

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up but yes about time." She looked at Ali. "If I didn't find any cute boys any time soon, I would've gone for Ali," she joked.

Ali laughed. "You couldn't have me, Lawrence."

"Would've pissed off Johnny though so that's a plus," Bethany replied, swimming deeper into the water.


Short chapter but next chapter will be longer than this one

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