4. Lawrence and LaRusso

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BETHANY DIDN'T GET THE CHANCE TO APOLOGIZE TO DANIEL ON THE FIRST DAY. She shared a class with him but every seat close to him was taken. So she decided to talk to him next time she had the possible chance.

Luckily the first day wasn't all bad. She made the cheerleading squad and joined student council.

The next day at school, Bethany got through half of her classes when it was time for lunch. She approached her locker, spinning in the combination before pulling it open, putting her books inside.

Someone knocked rhythmically lightly against her locker door. She glanced to her left to see it was Johnny.

"Sis, I lost my book for English, can I borrow yours?" he asked.

"Nope," she replied in a bitter tone.

He huffed. "What is your problem? Why are you still pissed at me?"

"I'm not pissed," she replied, still not looking at him. "I live with you and have to see you almost every day, no point in being mad."

"Then why are acting like this? What, because of that kid you barely know?"

She turned to look at him. "For your information, Johnny, that kid was only trying to help and be a good guy but you got annoyed and took Ali dumping you out on him."

"It's not my fault the kid doesn't know how to stay out of other people's business."

"Well, he stayed out of your business yesterday and you had Bobby get him kicked out of soccer try outs," she replied with an eye roll.

"I didn't do anything," he remarked. "He threw that punch first."

She rolled her eyes yet again. "After you told Bobby to bother him. You guys are just harassing him at this point for no reason and it's not okay," she said, pulling out her book for English, shoving her book in his hands before slamming her locker. "I'll see you later."

She stalked away to the cafeteria, getting in the lunch line. She grabbed a lunch tray but just as she was about to grab the food she wanted, she saw the back of Daniel nearby.

She bit her bottom lip to contain a smile before walking over to stand by his side. "Hi, Danny," she greeted.

He turned to look at her, instantly smiling. "Hey, Beth. Hi, how are you doin'?"

"Good. How's your eye?" she asked, noticing the bruise was still slightly there.

"Oh, it's better already," he answered before noticing her empty lunch tray. "Not too hungry today?"

She shrugged. "Kind of but I just got here. I saw you and wanted to say hi." She looked at him with a smile. "Hi."

"Hi," he greeted back with a small laugh before grabbing a small pie, putting it on her tray. "Here, have some pie. Made it myself."

She giggled. "Yeah? I look forward to trying it then." He smiled at her giggle as she asked him, "So how do you like it here so far?"

"Well, it hasn't been dull."

"Far cry from Newark?"

He looked back at her. "How did you know I was from Newark?"

She paused with a small smile. "...I guessed."

He smiled. "Oh, really? You guessed?"

"I have powers," she joked which made him chuckle. "It's your accent. You kind of have that tint of New Jersey to your voice."

He nodded. "You sitting with anyone?"

She lightly bit on her bottom lip. "With you, I hope."

He smiled. "Sounds great to me, darling." He handed her a small carton of milk.

She smiled at the nickname, thanking him before getting serious. "Listen, I wanted to apologize for what happened at the soccer tryouts."

He shrugged, moving to the line to have his lunch paid for with her following. "Those are the breaks, y'know."

"I guess but that guy at the beach..."

He raised my eyebrows. "Oh, you mean King Karate?"

"Yeah, he's..."

"Not your boyfriend, I hope," he replied.

She cringed. "Ew, gross. He's my brother. Well, half brother actually but still my brother. But the guy on the field, he's my ex-boyfriend."

He hummed. "That's good to know." He immediately stopped, looking off to a random spot away from her. "What? Oh, yeah. You're right...." he mumbled.

She slightly chuckled, trying to follow his gaze. "What are you doing? What are you looking at?"

He looked back to her, focusing his attention back on her. "Oh, it's just this little voice. It's telling me I got to be some kind of a yo-yo to be talking to you."

She raised her eyebrows at him. "Well lucky you, bubba, I don't have a thing for yo-yo's."

He smiled. "Lucky me then."

The woman at the register punched in the amount for his lunch. "That'll be $2.50."

Daniel took out his money. "Uh, for both." He motioned to himself and Bethany.

Her eyes widened but nodded with a small smile. "Thanks." She continued to add, "Not much I can say for my brother but for the other one, he doesn't matter as much."

"Oh, yeah. Why's that?" he asked.

"Because we're through. I dumped him," she answered, walking with him following her.

"You did? Wait, how over is it?" he asked with slight eagerness.

She giggled. "A year so you have nothing to worry about."

He nodded. "Oh, good." She glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, not good but-"

She laughed. "Relax, Danny, I'm just messing with you."

"Oh," was all he said, letting out a small chuckle.

She smiled, glancing at Johnny who was tables away to which she grabbed Daniel's arm, pulling him in a different direction. "There's a table over here."

He nodded, following Bethany to a table far from Johnny.

Once they reached the table, Daniel pulled a chair out for her to which she smiled. "Thank you, bubba."

He returned her smile. "Any time, darling."

As she sat down, she glanced at Johnny who met her gaze to which she only narrowed her eyes as if to say she was not in the mood to deal with him but he didn't listen. Because unknown to her the next night Johnny and his friends decided to mess with Daniel after he took a slight interest in Cobra Kai.


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