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Wilbur stormed out that day, jaw clenched, he didn't spare me any words after the kiss. I thought I had learned how to live without him due to the months spent apart but knowing the distance wasn't created by one of us being 7 feet underground made me feel sick. The danger of Dream escaping loomed around every corner. I warned Tommy, and he subsequently he spared me words of Wilbur's state. Saying he rambled about Dream being his hero, the image made me feel woozy, almost enough to make me faint. I didn't tell Sam. Maybe it was because I didn't want him to hunt down Wilbur. Maybe I couldn't bear to be the cause of his death or, if he was lucky, imprisonment.

I hadn't been well since the night with Wilbur, my body still reeling from the blood loss it wasn't able to recover from, I had been too anxious and high-strung to keep down food. A static forever lingered on the edges of my vision, my skin becoming increasingly pale. I wasn't a pretty sight and I tried to avoid looking in the mirror whenever possible, eyes glued to the porcelain counter of my bathroom.

I jumped as a shrill sound, high-pitched and disorienting, rang in my ears. I quickly covered them with my shaky hands, stumbling out into my living room. The radio that sat on the kitchen counter was the source of the insufferable crying. The message began then, my stomach sinking.



The message continued to repeat as I desperately reached to unplug the metal box. I felt my heart begin to race as it slammed into the ground; Pieces of machinery now littered across the tile floor. Suddenly I was dizzy, my vision becoming black, my thoughts hazy. The metallic shards dug into my knees as I fell. The last thing that crossed my mind was that I never had the chance to lock my door.

I awoke to the rattling of the door nob then the subtle creak of it swinging open. I was paralyzed by fear as I slowly strayed back into reality, I don't think I would be able to move even if someone wasn't breaking in. I rolled my ankles, trying to regain feeling.

"They really left their door unlocked?" a male voice questioned. I tried to focus on where the footsteps went as the sound trailed closer. My body ached as I struggled to get up; my hands stiff as I laid them flat against the cold floor. Fuck just get up. I pleaded with my body as I attempted to push myself. Every limb felt full of lead.

"Hm, what do we have here?" it was Dream's voice that came from behind me. I weakly groaned, giving up on remaining hidden from the terrifying figure that loomed over me. "y/n, tch tch. You left your door wide open, and what a sad sight you are." He leaned down next to me. "Where's Wilbur, hm?" he asked now close to my ear. My eyes were closed tight, but I dared to look at him. His face was littered with fresh scabs and healed over scars, his iconic mask nowhere to be seen. One of his eyes was bruised purple and green, yellow spread across his face from the focal point of the severe black eye. His pupils seemed impossibly small, and his hair had become unkempt having grown into a crude mullet after his time spent in the prison.

"Wilbur," I whined out once again desperately trying to push myself to my knees, I winced, the metal under me digging into my shifting body.

"Wilbur-" he mocked me with a laugh. "I think you owe me too, y/n. I brought you Wilbur didn't I?" a wave of nausea came over me. My body seemed to realize what danger I was in giving me the little strength it took to scurry away from the over imposing man. He grinned at me, squatting down on the heels of his feet. I felt like a caged wild animal.

"Dream?" I watched as his face feigned relief at the voice.

"Wilbur!" Wilbur. "I've been looking all over for you. Thought you would be here to see them, but I guess I beat you to the punch hm?" he was now standing above me, my back pressed firmly against cabinets.

"Are they here?" Wilbur strode over to stand by Dream, his features immediately softened when he looked down at me. He rushed to my side, hand caressing my face. "Hello, darling." he cooed at me "you don't look so good" I numbly nodded, leaning into his touch. Wilbur didn't look so great himself, his hair was wild and his skin made him seem sickly. Yellow peaking out and overpowering any pink that could have been there if not for the low lighting. He looked one good hit away from dying if I'm being honest.

"We need to leave, lover boy. I have horses from Techno tied up in the back. You are a wanted criminal now, keep that in mind when you think about wasting time here." Dream's face was one of disinterest as his eyes remained locked on the wide-open door. "5 minutes," he mumbled, leaving the two of us alone. Wilbur pulled me up from the ground and into his arms, sitting us both on the couch like we had days before.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled into the crook of my neck. I breathed in the smell of his hair relaxing into his arms. The closeness of our bodies communicative without words. I felt relieved to see him, but I couldn't ignore what he had done.

"Wilbur, Dream he," I went over the things he had done in my head while staring at Wilbur's form. I pursed my lips. Did Wilbur freeing him make him complacent in those actions, in hurting my friends? What did it make me?

"I know, I know, dear." he dismissed me. "We have to go with Dream. We are gonna go somewhere safe." I tilted my head as he pulled away from my neck. His wine eyes intense, body rigid. He leaned towards me again, face a few inches from my own. I felt apprehension at the intimacy. He seemed out of it, his expression far away and blissed out. "You smell so good, darling" he muttered pressing his face into my hair. "Fuck, I'll be right back" Wilbur gently set me on the other side of the couch rushing to the bedroom, He came out with a bag.

"What's that?" I inquired still feeling as faint as I had in recent days.

"Just some of your clothes," he waved away my concern "we have to go"

"Go where?" he shook his head.

"Dream knows, we just need to get out of here." Wilbur pulled my hand, getting me up from the couch.

"But my home." I mumbled, shuffling my feet.

"We don't have time for this, y/n."

"We're leaving so many people behind and for what, for Dream?" I argued, yanking my hand out of his own to point at where Dream was waiting. Emotions built in my chest as I glanced around the small comfortable house. Memories painted in every corner, things I didn't want to leave behind.

"No," he gritted his teeth, snatching my hand back and using it to tug me towards him, only a few inches from his face "because I'm fucking wanted, y/n. This isn't for Dream, this is for us." he spoke with his jaw clenched, his sharp canines more visible. I shut my mouth, immediately looking away from his face. He led me out the back door where two horses waited.

"Ready?" Dream said sat on his black steed. He ran his eyes over me with distaste, it made shivers travel down my spine. "We really taking them?" Wilbur hoisted me up onto the horse then slid himself behind me. My back was flush against his chest, his arms caging me in order to properly hold the reins.

"Shut up, Dream."

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