meet me half way

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Morning came as an unwelcome bright light in my eyes. At least for once I recounted the events of the night before, but I wasn't proud of how many tears I had shed. Not able to keep it together, not able to get the words out to Sam, at least Wilbur seemed okay. I gently ran my hand through his hair, pushing it out of the way of his eyes. The white streak now swallowed by auburn pushed back against his head. His face twitched slightly but went back to a calm expression as time passed between us accompanied by the quiet singing of birds outside. I let myself enjoy the moment of peace.

I'm glad that he could sleep undisturbed, even if just for a little while, his face as still as a resting lake. I gathered my strength to get out of bed, my mission to find Sam going into action as soon as my feet met the cold floor. We needed to plan for the coming attack from Dream. He needed to know everything I could remember, and if that meant pushing myself, so be it. Pulling myself together I left, the last sight my grim face reflected in a mirror on the wall.

My house was empty, the only sound that echoed through the familiar halls was my feet padding into the main room. Somehow the cold floor had become a reassuring discomfort the more I walked, the cool wood punctuating the air that entered my lungs. I found Sam, collapsed on my couch, face one of disquiet. His position was rigid, not one of rest or calm. He was only covered by a blanket far too small for his large form, the sight made me feel guilty. If I had been able to keep myself together I would have at least been able to afford him the simple convenience of a bigger blanket. I made my way over, gently shaking his shoulder. He always looked different without his intimidating mask. His mouth visible, sharp teeth peaking into his smile whenever he granted such pleasure.

"Sam?" I whispered, trying to bring him out of his sleep as gently as possible. I jumped as his green eyes snapped open, softening as they recognized me. He quickly pulled me into a hug with him on the couch. My cheek pressed against his chest as it steadily rose and fell. "Good morning, Sam." I giggled as he hugged me tighter. I think in that moment we agreed to forget for a while, one second of amity,, only our shared breathing.

"I was so worried, y/n" I let myself melt as he began to play with my hair. "Wilbur being back, dream getting out, and you went missing. I was just so fucking glad to see you okay yesterday, bear." I nodded my head into his chest, releasing a breathy sigh. I can't allow myself to cry again.

"Wouldn't want to ever leave you, Sammy." I said with a quavering voice. He hummed, the sound vibrating through him. He motioned for me to move as he sat up on the worn couch. I weakly smiled as I studied his face. An unconscious way to make sure he was okay. My eyes fell into the habit of tracing the familiar scar that ran across his nose. A jagged reminder of a story he never would tell me. "Guess we gotta get into what's important, huh" I steeled myself, running my hand down my thighs. "Dream wants revenge, Sam."

"I guess I figured that." I watched as he pushed his hair back, the former styling having become messy through the night of turbulent sleep.

"I'm scared, he had this map of everything with all these arrows. He was being so meticulous, Sammy." his brows furrowed as he looked at me, my arms now wrapped around myself. Dream could be right behind me right now and I don't think I'd be able to fight back with any great strength. I let that sink in, I was helpless against the monster, I even struggled to speak of him.

"I won't let him near you, bear." I gave him a weak smile. "I'm gonna get him back in Pandora's box, I promise."

"I believe you, I do, but we need to be more careful. I don't think I could stand losing anyone." Sam nodded with a serious expression "No one can be a weak point, Sam. I saw his plan, and I think he intends to pick us off one by one." I shiver as I look away from Sam, not able to bare the intense eye contact. His green eyes reminded me of the last person I wished to think of being psychically in a room with. Dream's hands lingering on me, burning points on my arms.

blood letting (c!wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now