catharsis (happy ending)

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"So, What do you say?"

"Yes-" I tried to look at anything but him but found myself pulled by a current to his emotionless mask "Yes, I'll go with you, yes just please-" he cut me off with a chilling tilt of his head and he didn't say a word until a laugh bubbled out of the man. His chest rising and falling with the sound and the exertion. I stared at him with wide eyes as I felt myself slip back into who I needed to be with Dream. Who I was supposed to be. Quiet and calculated. Weak and naive.

"Yes? I never thought you would say yes." The disturbing laugh took him again as his gloved hand came up to support his head. He regained himself, slipping the white mask off his face to wipe tears from his eyes. "I assumed you would say no, keep your pride, and die like the martyr I think you've always wanted to be, but you surprised me, Bunny." he walked towards me with a grin painted on his face. A decision that meant an end to my friends pain but a beginning of my own "and for you, I'll be a man of my word." His green orbs burned as they stared through me. His calloused hand caressed my cheek as I averted his gaze. Wanting to be anywhere but here, in the maw of the beast, prodded like a prize.

"No need to be with that monster anymore, princess." I winced at the words, at the way the man dared speak of Wilbur like something to cast aside. I would do all of this for Wilbur a million times over and Dream disregarded him like a mere inconvenience. "It was so hard to see you with him, not even sparing me a second glance. Stupid little bunny." His hand now gripped my chin as he studied my face for a reaction I didn't want to give. Though I knew he saw the way I faltered with every wince.

"Please, can we go Dream?" he tched as his hand let go of my face to readjust his signature mask to conceal his unreadable expression. He ran a hand through his still uncut hair, a messy mullet that made him seem like more animal than man.

"Don't be so hasty." The phrase was said with pride but he jumped once a sound came from behind him. A disturbance from the door and he went still. Wilbur stood there looking more worn than ever. His hair was wild from the endless times he had attempted to smooth it down. The eyebags that hung under his chocolate eyes now look more like craters. His eyes clearly puffy and red from crying as he stumbled into the unpleasant scene.

"Dream." his voice was gruff as he held himself up using the doorframe. The tension of the room was palpable, but shifted to something more strange as the two seemed to consider each other.

"Speak of the devil. You come to save the day, lover boy?" Wilbur brows became knit together as he attempted to stand up straight to no avail, the door frame once again having to be used to support his weight. My body unwillingly leaned towards the man wanting to support him myself.

"Why can't you just stop this." a plea repeated by us both that always seemed to fall on deaf ears. Unsurprisingly, Dream laughed.

"Part of you knows that has never been an option." Wilbur shut his eyes tight as if contemplating Dream's words. My throat felt tight, a well run dry of any words. "You still owe me, Wilbur. You'd think raising a man from the dead brings more respect than being left behind by him and his defunct lover" Wilbur squinted his eyes, briefly flicking them towards me.

"I don't know how I ever thought I needed to worship you" he paused "You are fucking sick"

"It doesn't matter, You lost, lover boy. They agreed to come with me." I vehemently shook my head, Wilbur staring with shock.

"I-" words caught in my throat as Dream turned his head to silence me. His arm raising to come in front of my face.

"Dream, stop." this time he turned to face me fully but was interrupted.

"You are an idiot, Dream." Wilbur again pulled himself off the wall, this time not stumbling on his shaky legs. I watched in relief as Sam came and stood behind him. The scene is reminiscent of what got Dream in the prison in the first place. So caught up with the idea of power he doesn't realize how powerless he really is.

"You really fell for this again?" Punz chimed in with an almost giddy tone as my friends trapped the monster of a man in.

"Fuck-" Dream seemed surprised as the group crowded into the small home. "Fuck-" he repeated more panicked this time, desperate, as he pulled me to the farthest place possible from the group. His back pressed firmly against a wall. I felt my body stiffen as the cool edge of a sword was pressed against my throat; A trickle of warm blood running down the expanse of my neck that was dotted with bite marks. "I am not fucking doing this again." Dream growled the words as the sword pressed further into my neck. "Let us go and no one has to die." The group went silent.

'It's okay, promise' I mouthed the words to Wilbur with a weak smile. He steeled himself then nodded. The pain didn't last for long. I don't really know if it hurt at all in the end as I was whisked away by a current.

————————- ————————- ————————-

Dream was surprised when his sword cut too deep, when that blood pooled out of the wound and on his hands. The horror of the warmth and the stickiness that coated him, that he couldn't quite get used to. Suddenly arms were gripping his own, wrenching him away from the body that fell flat to the floor. He was surprised when the blood made him feel sick, the viscous red that pooled on the floor causing his stomach to turn. The way it seemed to turn every floor board red as if the house itself was bleeding from the loss. Most of all he was surprised when Wilbur stood and watched. When Wilbur didn't rush towards the cold corpse. Once they hit the ground the world seemed to fall silent.

What Dream didn't get to see is the way the body disappeared leaving the bloody stain as a final reminder of the death y/n had endured. By the time Wilbur rushed down the hall Dream was already being pulled towards the prison, stripped of the things he worked tirelessly to get, and once again sporting a familiar orange jumpsuit. When Wilbur burst open the door to the shared bedroom y/n was sleeping in the unmade bed from the morning before. He collapsed next to them, his arms holding them so impossibly tight they would have no chance to slip through the cracks again.

It was over. 

A/N: Happy ending !!! I will write the sad one which will be longer but for now this is the ending ! Hope you guys enjoyed my little short book <3 might add other supplemental content but not for a while as I will be gone for a week ! love u take care of yourself <3

p.s. starting new book omg

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