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I woke up to an empty room, the curtains gently blowing from a breeze through the a jar window. I wanted things to feel okay so bad, but I felt weak again, and I knew Wilbur didn't want to address Dream. I saw right through his lies of talking in the morning, and now he was nowhere to be seen. He simply left an imprint in the throw off blankets beside me. I crawled across the bed and padded towards the open window. The wind felt cool on my face, biting at my red cheeks. I jumped as an argument began outside.

"We need to figure this out, Dream, we can't be here forever." it was Wilbur's voice that first became loud enough I could hear it from my place on the window sill.

"We can though, Wilbur. Besides, we are just waiting for me to get materials again." I walked closer to the door that would get me out of Wilbur's room. The closer I got the clearer their words became.

"and how long will that take?" Dream scoffed at Wilbur.

"Impatient much? we are safe here, isn't that enough?"

"No, I want to put all of this shit behind me." I heard a shuffling of feet. "Dream, I'm sick of this situation."

"Well, We both know that is not happening anytime soon. Why don't you just fucking enjoy your time with y/n while I do the heavy lifting hm?" Wilbur made a displeased noise.

"Leave y/n out of this" Wilbur's voice was lower now. "What the fuck are we even waiting on you for."

"We are gonna make them all pay, Wilbur, I promise, but please, just stay out of it right now." A shiver ran down my spine, the hairs on my arms becoming raised. I listened intently as footsteps trailed away from outside the room. Wilbur seemed to still be outside of the door. I took a deep breath before opening it slowly. Wilbur looked at me with an apologetic smile.               

"Did we wake you?" he asked, sliding into the room, and firmly shutting the door behind him. 

"you did, but it's okay." I wandered back over to the open window, resting on the window sill.

"Thank you for last night, I wasn't feeling like myself." I absently nodded tracing shapes on the back of my hand. Wilbur sat by me for a while.

"Can we go outside?" I opened the window more, leaning outside.

"it's a bit cold, I don't know if I packed you a jacket." Wilbur seemed to be talking absently to himself. He kissed my forehead before quickly digging through a dresser finding a coat of his own, a long charcoal over coat. He handed it to me with a warm smile. "Let's go, my love."

He led me with his hand in my own. His hand was coarse, his fingertips having calluses from his time playing the guitar. Fingers flexible, meant to be placed on the neck of a guitar. His hands made him human, a testament to his life. I found myself in a small rose garden. Tall walls of green and speckled red.

"Can we have our talk now, Wilbur?" I asked him as we both sat down on an ornate stone bench that was out of the shade to avoid it being colder than we already were.

"Yes, that's actually why I came up to get you in the first place." I looked over at his pensive face, his brows were furrowed as he mulled over what could come.

"Wilbur, I-" I took a shuddering breath. "I want to leave here, I want to be away from Dream, I want to be home again." I ran my eyes over his face watching as his expression softened.

"You know we can't." He remained unmovable on the position. "Besides we're safe here, can't you make that enough for right now?"

"No, I can't. I want to be with the people I love Wilbur! We- We can make them understand, I promise, I will make them understand if we just go home, please." Wilbur stiffly shook his head, running a wavering hand through his curly hair. The white streak pushed back like a white dead branch on a flowering tree.

"Stop, please. I hate hearing you like this, seeing you like this, but It's not going to happen, y/n. You are stuck living in this made-up reality in your head where people could ever forgive me for freeing Dream." I felt myself become frustrated. A build-up to what I inevitably knew I had to say. "You know they won't."

"Wilbur," I huffed "I heard the whole conversation with you and Dream." he quickly looked at me with wide eyes "Do you really want to hurt them? I mean our old friends don't deserve that right? Who have you even become to consider such a thing?" I felt the need to curl in on myself as I broached the conversation. Why would Wilbur want to hurt the people he used to love?

"No, y/n, I don't. I don't WANT to hurt them." he rubbed his hands on his thighs "but Dream is so set on his sick plans, I just have to go with it. I don't have a choice"

"You do if you were just to speak up about it. We both know he's in the wrong." I pleaded with him.

"It's not that simple."

"How is it not that simple? What is he gonna do kill you again?" his face hardened.

"Precisely." I chewed the inside of my mouth, pursing my lips. A long silence drew out between us, the worst thing about this argument is I knew Wilbur though he wanted what was best for me.

"Then I'll talk to him." another silence blew over us, Wilbur of the opinion I was bluffing with my bold confession.


"I have two lives left and I don't mind losing one to stand up for the people I know would do the same for me, even now." His eyes were dark, his forehead crinkled as he stared at me.

"Don't you dare, y/n" he warned. I quickly got to my feet. Turning to look down at his still sitting form.

"Shut up!" He was taken back by my loud outburst "you know, you are supposed to be the leader. At least fucking act like it, that's the least you did in Pogtopia, but you can't do the same now, can you." I took a deep breath. "Don't tell me 13 years made you a fucking coward, Wilbur." I stormed away from him, my heart hammering away in my chest. I had one thing to do, to find Dream. I needed to fix this, if I fixed it Wilbur would understand, and we can all be okay again.

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