•New Morning New Day• 2

36 4 0

Hii people !


Vivienne wakes up to the soft beep of her morning alarm. Its 6:30 with the sun shining brightly on her face.

She stretches herself and gets off the bed with a smile. After brushing and doing your morning routine she gets ready and makes her way to the dining area.

Viv sees food already laid ,her favorite sandwiches ,hot pancakes with shimmering honey on top with a cup of coffee hot as she liked it.

Her eyes meet her grandmas who's standing there with a smile on her face.

"I see someone has already made the breakfast, damn you make me seem old gramma, your work efficiency is top notch, Gorden Ramsey who?" She hugs her.

"Come on Viv its not that big of a deal, besides its a big day for you, its the least i can do for you" she kisses her forehead "now eat up don't wanna be late on your first day"

After having the breakfast she picks her bag and bids bye to grandma

"Viv good luck sweetie!! Make friends with everyone and yes try to control your temper no bad impressions because-"

"I get it love! Now i should get going don't want my 'first impression'to be of a late comer."

Your grandma smiles.

"Bye! Take care and do not forget to take your medicines on time,also if there's anything just call me straightaway. Love you!"

"Take care !!"

Vivienne leaves her house with a smile.
The University is just 15 mins away from home so she decides to walk as she had plenty of time to enjoy the nice weather.

She stands near the entrance looking at the board "SNU Seoul National University! Here i come !!"

Making her way into the campus with others around her giggling, chitchatting, and all excited just as she was.

She kinda gets lost and starts looking around and notices a girl coming up to her.
"Oh hi !!...are you a new student ?"
"Oh hi ! Umm yeah ..can you please ..."

"Oh yeah yeah sure ..i know where new comers should be going -for the Principle's Office ,take the next right from here and go straight, and for the classes take the stairs for the 1st floor ."

"Oh thank you so much!!!"

The girl waves and leaves with a smile.

Vivienne heads towards the Principle's Office when suddenly a group of boys pass through her and behind them a crowd cheering, girls squealing and guys trying to get their attention.
One of the boy's even bumps into her but leaves without even a single apology.
Okay rude .

But she notices a guy from the same group turning back to look at her giving her a worried look as if asking if she was alright.

She just smiles a bit and nods her head a little in response and makes her way to the Office thinking
waa they must be popular!

Time passes and she goes towards her class with her time table in one hand and her bag's strap in another.

Vivienne enters the class with the teacher, everybody looks in her direction .

"Greetings everyone ! She is your new classmate who will be joining you from today."

"Hello everyone! I'm Vivienne. I hope we get along" she speaks smiling.

"We are glad to have you with us Vivienne and as you've joined a month late i would suggest you to take notes and lessons from your classmates so that you won't slack behind.
Now take a seat."

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